Description and Research lines


Auzo Lana Hezkuntzan (ALHE) was created in 2018 with the purpose of studying pedagogical practices and keys in public educational centers that respond to the needs of 21st century society. These proposals take the welfare of the children as the main pillar of education. With this purpose, the ALHE team, in collaboration with professionals from different schools, began the study of innovative pedagogical practices and projects. This research has enabled the identification of the keys that help to improve learning processes and the teaching role, to reorganize the resources of the schools, to take advantage of the environment and the educational community; all for the sake of a pedagogy for the empowerment of children.

The team currently works and researches in formal and non-formal educational contexts, around pedagogical renewal projects, together with different Communities of Practice, cultural associations and Educating Cities. The lines of research converge in a common objective: the seeking and achievement of the community's well-being. The members of this team believe that the upcoming years may offer an opportunity for a joint reflection on the new social needs and new ways of training professionals in education. In this sense, our work tries to combine the different needs and concerns of the Communities of Practice, in order to open new lines of training and reflection within the educational community. Since 2023 ALHE is a consolidated research group of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (GIU22/002).

Research lines

The lines of research of this team revolve around the following themes: (1) empowerment, (2) inclusion, (3) pedagogical renewal and (4) cultural legacy. To this end, we benefit from collaboration with different agents, sharing and reflecting on the real experiences we present and discuss, with the ultimate goal of sharing, learning and improving our practice through the following lines of work:

Line of work 1: Communities of Practice of the Basque public school.

This first line of work, comes to reinforce, complement, enrich, value and give visibility to the Communities of Practice in Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary education carried out by the teaching professionals of the educational centers that make up three of the main projects of pedagogical renewal of the Basque public school system: 

-"Ahalduntze Laborategia" (Antzuola Herri Eskola educational project).

-Eskola Txikiak of the Basque Autonomous Community.

-Network of schools of the Amara Berri System.


Line of Work 2: Communities of Practice from the non-formal sphere.

This second line of work gives continuity to the work developed by ALHE in collaboration with the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Educating Cities and cultural associations of the historical territory in order to deepen the research lines of the team in non-formal educational environments. 

Line of work 3: Formal Communities of Practice in the international framework

This third line of work aims to disseminate the virtues of the Communities of Practice of the two previous lines. To this end, we have the support of the European networks European Democratic Education Community (EUDEC) and European Forum for Freedom in Education (EFFE).