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Berrikuntzaren Kudeaketa26402

Arkitektura Goi Eskola Teknikoa
Arkitekturaren Oinarrietako Gradua
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Irakasgaiaren Azalpena eta Testuingurua zehazteaToggle Navigation

The subject is placed in the second term of the school year and provides a formation orientated to acquiring knowledge in the field of research, innovation and enterprise, and also develops the necessary skills to carry out direction, management and organization functions in innovation projects.

Gaitasunak / Irakasgaia Ikastearen EmaitzakToggle Navigation

It intends to provide the student with the capability to:

-Analyze human resources related to innovation

-Manage and spread innovation

-Innovate and appreciate innovation

-Basic knowledge about marketing, emotional inteligence, lidership and efective communication

To meet these objectives they will:

-Know the methods of scientific development and research.

-Develop creative thinking as a base for innovation

-Know the enterprise, typologies, economic and financial management, commercialization and marketing.

Eduki teoriko-praktikoakToggle Navigation

0: Objectives and programme.


1: General concepts

1.1.Research methodologies

1.2.General concepts over the enterprise

2: Creativity as the base for innovation

2.1. Scientific thinking

2.2. Creative thinking

3: The enterprise

3.1. Types of enterprises

3.2. Innovating enterprise, where to place it?

4: Legal aspects of innovation: the patents and trademarks

5: The business plan

5.1. Market research

5.2. The SWOT analysis

5.3. The marketing plan

6. Coaching

7: Efficient communication.

7.1. How to sell my innovative product / service.

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-Theoretical classes:

Every week a theoretical lesson will be taught related to each chapter, providing essential theoretical, providing an explanation of essential theoretical concepts.

- Practical classes:

These are workshop sessions where the proposed exercises will be developed. There will be continuous correction of the individual and group exercises.

-Presentation sessions:

There will be public presentations of the theoretical subjects to in order to work with the efficient communication skills.

The practical exercises developed during the practical classes will be presented as well.

The aim is to arouse interest in reflection and debate.

We foster the cooperative work and self-learning, in an autonomous way or in cooperation with other students, developing activities guided by the teacher and reaching the initial objectives.

-Conferences and visits:

During the term, professionals related to innovation and the enterprise will give lectures to the students, providing their personal experience in the field of research, innovation or the enterprise.

-Tutoring hours:

The objective during the tutoring hours is to review the delivered exercises, providing a personal explanation of the obtained qualifications, and also an orientation for future exercises. Practical corrections will be made during the hours of face-to-face teaching.

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  • Ebaluazio Jarraituaren Sistema
  • Azken Ebaluazioaren Sistema
  • Kalifikazioko tresnak eta ehunekoak:
    • Banakako lanak (%): 30
    • alde lanak (arazoen ebazpenak, proiektuen diseinuak) (%): 60
    • Lanen, irakurketen... aurkezpena (%): 10

Ohiko Deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

The evaluation system will be continuous, taking into consideration both individual and group work,, assessing the acquired competences according to the work delivered (determined through the public defence of the exercises and active participation during the work phases in group and in the presentation sessions and debate).

The evaluation of the exercises will provide 85% of the global qualification, 55% corresponding to individual work and 30% to group work. The remaining 15% will be provided by the qualification obtained in the defence, presentation and debate sessions.

The final qualification of the subject will be obtained by a weighted average of the qualifications of the different exercises carried out during the term, the delivery of all the exercises being essential to pass the subject.

The student who has not fulfilled this requirement will not pass the subject and will be evaluated as “not submitted”

Ezohiko deialdia: Orientazioak eta Uko EgiteaToggle Navigation

In case the student does not pass the subject in the ordinary call in May, the student will have the possibility of passing it in the extraordinary call in July, which will be by improving the works already delivered or by delivering the works that had not been delivered, or, alternatively, by doing a final writing exam.

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Estatua eta autonomikoa arau-emailea.
Oharrak eta irakasgaiko bibliografia.

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Oinarrizko bibliografia

(2003) "Desarrollar la gestión de la creatividad y de la innovación. Enfoques y conceptos para avanzar". Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. ISBN: 84-234-2234-8

Drucker, P. F. (2002, Agosto) "The Discipline of Innovation". Harvard Business School Publishing.

Escorsa Castells, P. (1997) "Tecnología e innovación en la empresa. Dirección y gestión". España: Editorial UPC

Gehiago sakontzeko bibliografia




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61 Teoriakoa (Ingelesa - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak


09:00-13:00 (1)



  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (1)

61 Tailerra-1 (Ingelesa - Goizez)Erakutsi/izkutatu azpiorriak


13:00-14:00 (1)


13:00-14:00 (2)


13:00-14:00 (3)


13:00-14:00 (4)


13:00-14:00 (5)



  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (1)
  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (2)
  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (3)
  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (4)
  • Aula 3.10 - ELBIRA ZIPRITIA ZENTROA. (5)