Authorisation for accessing a master’s degree at the University of the Basque Country with a foreign qualification issued outside the EHEA

Authorisation for accessing a master’s degree at the University of the Basque Country with a foreign qualification issued outside the EHEA

Article 18.2 of Royal Decree 822/2021, of 28 September, which establishes the organisation of university teaching and its related quality assurance procedure, states the following:

‘...those in possession of undergraduate equivalent qualifications issued by education systems outside the EHEA may access a University Master’s course within the Spanish university system without the need for their qualification to be accredited (although the university in question must verify the training level acquired), providing that said qualification enables access to university postgraduate studies in the country in which it was issued. Under no circumstances does access by this pathway imply the accreditation of the qualification held by the interested party, or its recognition for any purpose other than access to the Master’s degree’

Consequently, in order to access a Master’s degree at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a non-accredited foreign qualification issued by a university located outside the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), candidates must present their applications through the website.

Applications must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • Application sheet
  • National ID card / Residence card / Passport.
  • Academic record indicating all subjects taken, the mark awarded in each case and the duration in credits/hours (if the qualification was issued in a foreign language other than English, then a sworn translation into Spanish, Basque or English must be provided).
  • Legalised/apostilled degree certificate (if the qualification was issued in a foreign language other than English, then a sworn translation into Spanish, Basque or English must be provided).
  • Document accrediting that the qualification provided permits access to university postgraduate studies in the country in which it was issued.

The UPV/EHU Postgraduate Commission will analyse all applications and issue a report. In the event of the report being favourable, a certificate will be issued authorising the applicant to access a university Master’s degree course in one or more Knowledge Field, in accordance with the application submitted.

This authorisation must be presented when enrolling on any Master’s degree course. In the event of a candidate not having submitted a request or obtained the aforementioned authorisation at the moment they wish to pre-enrol on a Master´s degree course, they may continue with the admissions process on a conditional basis, with said admission being automatically rendered null and void if they fail to obtain the necessary authorisation within the deadline established for formalising their enrolment in the timeframe approved by the Postgraduate Commission for each academic year.
