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Experiments in Chemical Engineering I

Faculty of Engineering - Vitoria-Gasteiz
Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Chemical Engineering
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups6090

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation

- Know, understand and apply to the world of industrial chemistry everything related to fluid flow, heat transmission, and matter transfer

- Apply the strategies of scientific methodology: analyze problems qualitatively and quantitatively.

- Pose hypotheses and solutions to solve the problems that arise in the area of ​​chemical engineering.

- Communicate knowledge appropriately using the vocabulary and terminology of industrial chemistry engineering.

- Work in multidisciplinary and multilingual environments, integrating skills and knowledge that facilitate decision making in the field of industrial chemistry engineering.

- Know, understand and apply the legislation, specifications, regulations and mandatory standards.

- Carry out measurements, calculations, studies and reports, during and at the end, of each of the practices carried out in the subject.


1. Be able to design and manage applied experimentation procedures and manage equipment and systems related to the effect of heat and pressure, using boiling systems. TEQI3

2. Be able to design and manage experimental procedures, managing equipment and systems related to the transfer of matter, applying the concepts of equilibrium between liquid-liquid phases, with partition coefficients. TEQI3

3. Be able to design and manage applied experimentation procedures with equipment and managing matter transfer systems, such as tunnel drying of solids. TEQI3

4. Be able to design and manage applied experimentation procedures and manage equipment and systems related to elementary, continuous and batch reactors. TEQI3

5. Develop capabilities and acquire skills in the design of fluidization processes of solids in liquids, appropriately using experimental techniques and applying safety standards.TEQI7

6. Be able to apply the strategies of scientific methodology, analyze the problematic situation qualitatively and quantitatively; propose hypotheses and solutions to solve problems specific to chemical processes. TEQI8.

7. Be able to adequately communicate knowledge, procedures and results in the field of chemical engineering, using specific vocabulary and terminology. TEQI9.

8. Be able to work effectively in multidisciplinary environments, integrating skills and knowledge to make decisions in the field of chemical engineering. TEQI10

9. Carry out measurements, calculations, studies and reports, during and at the end of the practices carried out in the laboratory. TEQI12

10. Have the ability to develop thermodynamic concepts in physical and chemical processes. TEQ5

11.Be able to apply the main methods of chemical and instrumental analysis in solving analytical problems. TEQ 6

12. Apply skills in the design of compound synthesis, appropriately using experimental techniques and applying TEQ 7 safety standards.

TemaryToggle Navigation


Pressure loss in pipes. Viscosity and surface tension. Pressure loss in fluidized beds. Variation of boiling point. Distribution of granular aggregates. Partition coefficient. Variation of the equilibrium constant. Solids drying by convection air flow. Flow reactors: completely mix and plug flow. Gas dissolution kinetics. Order of reaction and reaction constant.


Practice 1. Fluid flow.

Pressure loss in pipes. Osborne-Reynolds experiment. Viscosity and surface tension.

Practice 2. Fluidized systems.

Study of the pressure drop in fluidized beds

Practice 3. Thermal properties.

Calculation of specific and latent heat. Variation of boiling point

Practice 4. Granular solids.

Calculation of granular distribution of aggregates.

Practice 5. Properties of solutions.

Calculation of partition coefficient. Variation of the equilibrium constant.

Practice 6. Mass l transfer.

Drying of solids in convection tunnel. Study of the operation.

Lab 7. Reaction Kinetics

Flow reactors: complete mix and plug flow. Kinetics of gas dissolution. Order reaction and reaction constant

MethodologyToggle Navigation


The aim of the course is carry out some laboratory experiments in the field of Chemical Engineering, developing technical language skills in English

Anappropriate knowledge of the language is recommended for students.

Oral communication will be used in the class in English, as most of written documents, if possible.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation


Attendance at all practices is required to pass the course

Comprehension tests in situ (oral questions): 15 %

Laboratory reports: 65%

Performance in the laboratory: 20

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Course manuals (available in situ and in Moodle)

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography


HORTA, A. y otros, Técnicas experimentales de química. Ed. UNED

MARTINEZ J. y otros, Experimentación en Química General. Ed.Thomson

MCCABE,SMITH,HARRIOT. Operaciones Uniarias en Ingeniería Química. 4ta edición. Mc Graw Hill. 2010

G. CALLEJA PARDO y col. Introducción a la Ingeniería Química. Ed. Síntesis, Madrid, 1999

COULSON, J.H; RICHARDSON, J.F: Operaciones básicas de Ingeniería Química. Barcelona, Ed. Reverté (5 tomos).

In-depth bibliography

Introduction to Chemical Engineering Processes. http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Introduction_to_Chemical_Engineering_Processes

A laboratory manual for Fundamentals of Engineering Design- Chemical Engineering Module. Deran Hanesian and Angelo J. Perna. New jersey Institute of Technology. 1997. (free web access)

A guide to write as an engineer. David Beer, David Mc Murrey. Ed. Jhon Whiley & Sons.1997 (free web access)

A Laboratory manual for fundamentals of engineering. New Jersey Institute of Tech.



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01 Applied laboratory-based groups-1 (Spanish - Mañana)Show/hide subpages



Teaching staff
