Chemical and Environmental Engineering Department

The Department of Chemical and Environmental Engineering of the University of the Basque Country / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea is made up of all the professors belonging to the areas of knowledge of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technologies assigned to the three Engineering Schools that are part of the UPV / EHU (Bilbao, Gipuzkoa and Vitoria-Gasteiz). In this way, it contributes to the training of engineers and technologists that society needs, especially its industrial and service sectors, to lead the current challenges associated with digitization, the energy transition and economic, social and environmental sustainability.

It has teaching and research laboratories in the various locations of the three indicated Schools (Bilbao and Portugalete in Bizkaia, Donostia-San Sebastián and Eibar in Gipuzkoa, as well as in Vitoria-Gasteiz). All its professors hold PhDs (Assistants, Associated and Full Professors) and it also has technical and administrative personnel to guarantee its proper functioning.

The Department has research groups recognized by the Regional Basque Government for their outstanding productivity and quality or by the University itself, as well as professors who collaborate in other equivalent groups whose personnel mostly belong to other Departments. The main research lines being developed have to do with the development of new materials, including biomaterials, hydrogen technologies, biorefinery processes, waste recovery and recycling, environmental technologies, especially those related to the atmospheric environment, water and soil, and some applications of biotechnology.


NOTICIAS: Participación en Cursos de Verano UPV/EHU 2016

Curso de Verano: La biomasa lignocelulósica como fuente de nuevos productos

First publication date: 24/06/2016

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Cambio de Fecha: 12.Sep - 13.Sep 2016

Validez académica: 20 horas

Impartido por: Dr. Jalel Labidi

                                   Dr. Rodrigo Llano-Ponte

                                   Dra. María González

Idioma: Castellano

Lugar: Palacio Miramar: Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián

Objetivos del curso:

El objetivo del curso es dar a conocer la biomasa lignocelulósica, su composición y las posibilidades que ofrece como sustituto del petróleo para la generación tanto de energía (a través de los biocombustibles de segunda generación), como de todos los bienes de consumo (materiales, plásticos, productos químicos, etc.) que hoy día ofrece la industria petroquímica. Para la obtención de todos estos productos a partir de los componentes fundamentales de la biomasa lignocelulósica (celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina), se utilizan diferentes vías tecnológicas de tipo químico, térmico y biológico, englobadas en el término biorefinería. A lo largo del curso se presentarán las características fundamentales de dichas tecnologías.

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