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Human Anatomy II

Faculty of Medicine and Nursing
Bachelor's Degree in Medicine
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied laboratory-based groups3221

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

AimsToggle Navigation

Outcomes on which the student shall be competent at the end of the Course include:

1. Knowing and describing methodically the morphology and morphological interrelations of the body parts belonging to the Human Anatomy II Subject.

2. Knowing of the most frequent individual morphological variations of the body parts belonging to the Human Anatomy II Subject.

3. Visualizing mentally the morphology, morphological interrelations and most frequent morphological variations of the body parts belonging to the Human Anatomy II Subject.

4. Identifying and describing what is said above in Points 1-2 but on images obtained by technological means (imaging techniques).

5. Dexterity in dissecting the human body.

6. Usage of proper anatomical terminology for oral and written communication.

7. Usage of the scientific method, that is: see for yourself and draw conclusions (autopsía and hermeneía).

8. Usage of habits of searching for and selecting scientific information.

9. Knowing the current trends of anatomy research

10. Knowing the need for continuous professional training.

11. Working cooperatively in group.

12. Showing emotional skills such as compassion, detached empathy, professionalism, which begin to appear in the student's behavior because of his work with human corpses with impactful content directly related to medicine (dissections, view of final outcome of pathologies, etc.).

13. Knowing that death as a part of the life cycle.

14. Being aware of the necessity of generous body donations for the advancement of medical knowledge and education.

TemaryToggle Navigation

The content of the Course is the gross anatomy of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, fasciae, aponeurosis, skin, blood and lymphatic vessels and somatomotor, somatosensory and autonomous innervations of all of it at the nucha, the back, the anterolateral wall of thorax and abdomen and the limbs as per the following order:

DIVISION I. General matters. Concepts of general anatomy, microscopic anatomy, gross anatomy, regional anatomy and systemic anatomy. Plan of the Course.

DIVISION II. Regional (deep and surface) gross anatomy of the nucha, the back, the anterolateral wall of thorax and abdomen and the limbs.


DIVISION II, SUBDIVISION I (B). Anterolateral wall of thorax and abdomen.



That Course content shall be worked through 27 lectures, 32 lab practices and 6 seminars, each of them lasting 1 hour. Notice that lab practices are grouped in sessions of two hours; so are the seminars. Thus, in the Course there is 27 one-hour sessions for lectures, 16 two-hour sessions for lab practices and 3 two-hour sessions for seminars. Specific contents of lectures, seminar sessions and lab practices correspond to each other, they running in parallel along the course.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Teaching/learning and assessing methods used in the Human Anatomy II Course are:

1. Lectures, which shall be imparted by the teacher with the purpose of:

(a) supplying a core of knowledge to the Course content,

(b) discussing with the students the outcome of the student's study in the suggested book and other sources of information,

(c) guiding student's further study.

2. Seminars. The seminars shall consist of oral presentations on Human Anatomy II topics as prepared and taught by working-groups of students. Seminar topics shall be suggested by the teacher (see the Syllabus of Human Anatomy II, which is to be delivered by the teacher to the students at the beginning of the Course). The ensuing discussion among classmates under the teacher's supervision shall complete each Seminar session. A written summary of no more than 300 words on the content of each oral presentation shall be delivered to the teacher by the relevant student working-group. The teacher shall provide in turn a formative feed-back to the students on both oral presentations and written abstracts, and both about content as form.

3. Laboratory (practice sessions). The lab practice sessions shall be performed by groups of students with the teacher's guideline. The lab activities are not only to complete gaining of anatomical knowledge but also to supply the student with communicative, technical and professional skills (both for individuals and working-groups). In the lab it is used: models in 2-D and 3-D of human bodies and its parts, human cadavers and imaging materials of the human body.

4. Steady attendance to the Course doings. Continuous attendance to the activities said above in Points 1-3 is considered necessary for achieving outcomes and competences of the Course. As such, attendence is mandatory.

5. Student's work (individual and group). By reading information resources suggested by the teacher to cover different aspects of Anatomy I that be impossible to meet by other means.

6. Personal notepads. Each student shall keep a record of its Course works, in particular of lab conclusions, in a personal notepad.

7. Continual formative assessment. To facilitate and accelerate student's learning, the teacher shall assess the knowledge and skills worked in the above-said Points 1-6 of this Metodología Section. Then, the teacher shall provide a training feed-back to the student. In this way the student become aware of its learning, as well as of ways to improve it. More detail on the continual formative assessment is to be found in the Human Anatomy II Syllabus. Suffice is to say here that it is done through successive examinations, each of them including:

(a) A Multiple Choice Question test (MCQ).

(b) An oral and written test on questions on lab materials.

(c) An assessment of seminars.

(d) An assessment of personal notepads.

(f) An assessment of the continual attendance of each student to all course activities.

8. Tutorials

Appointed hours at which a student or groups of students may have the lecturer's guide on Subject-related matters.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

The Human Anatomy II grade at the Ordinary Call shall result from the addition of the results of:

1. The so called Closing Exam. This accounts up to 70% of the grade; of which,

(a) a multiple choice test (MCQ test) shall account up to 35%,

(b) a lab exam (written, oral) shall account up to the remaining 35%.

2. The mark achieved at the Seminar assessments along the Course. It accounts up to 15% of the grade.

3. The mark achieved at the Continual Formative Assessment along the Course. It accounts up to 15% of the grade.

Students not being able to follow the Continual Formative Assessment along the Course shall justify the cause of it to the Dean at least one month before the Ordinary Call time. These students should demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes and competences of the Course by passing the Closing Exam but with the following scores:

1. An MCQ test, which shall made up to 50% of the Course grade.

2. A lab exam, which shall made up to the remaining 50% of the Course grade.

To decline sitting at the Ordinary Call assessment shall suffice not go for it.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

To attend the lab, each student must carry a long and white lab coat, a kit of dissecting instruments, a pair of rubber gloves appropriate for dissection and a lab notepad

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Basic Bibliography


Gray’s Anatomy for Students (3rd. Edition), Richard L. Drake, A. Wayne Vogl and Adam W.M. Mitchell. Churchill-Livingstone/Elsevier (2015). With Student Contents.



Escolar. Reconstrucciones Humanas por Planos de Disección (6ª Edición), José María Smith-Agreda. Editorial Médica Panamericana (2016).


Anatomy: A Photographic Atlas (8th Edition; available on print format and Kindle/Apple format), Johannes W. Rohen, Chichiro Yokochi, Elke Lütjen-Drecoll. Walters-Kluver Publishers (2016), https://www.amazon.es/Anatomy-Photographic-Atlas-Color-Study-ebook/dp/B00T8GX2YI/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1470815394&sr=1-1

In-depth bibliography

In-depth Bibliography

Other Atlases

Pocket Atlas of Human Anatomy: Founded by Heinz Feneis (Translated from 9th Edition in German Language), Wolfgang Daube. Thieme Verlag, (2005, print format; 2007, Kindle/Apple format).

Netter’s Atlas of Human Anatomy (6th Edition), Frank H. Netter. Elsevier (2014).

Terminología Anatómica (Terminologia Anatomica Internacional), FCAT, IFAA, SAE Committees. Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2001. (Trilingual: Latin, English and Spanish.) Print edition available at: https://www.amazon.es/Terminologia-Anatomica-International-Anatomical-Terminology/dp/3131143614
Internet free site (Latin and English): https://www.unifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPage/ViewSource.html

Terminologia Histologica: International Terms for Human Cytology and Histology, Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT). Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2008). (Bilingual: Latin and English.)
Print edition available at: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Terminologia-Histologica-International-Cytology-Histology/dp/0781766109
Internet free site: https://www.unifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPage/ViewSource.html

Terminologia Embryologica: International Embryology Terminology, Federative International Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FICAT). Thieme Verlag (2013).
(Bilingual: Latin and English.) Print edition available at: https://www.amazon.es/Terminologia-Embryologica-International-Embryological-Terminology/dp/3131701412
Internet free site: https://www.unifr.ch/ifaa/Public/EntryPage/ViewSource.html



- Journal of Anatomy
- Annals of Anatomy
- European Journal of Anatomy
- Clinical Anatomy
- Acta Anatomica
- The Anatomical Record
- The New Anatomist
- Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy
- Nature Neuroscience Reviews
- Nature
- Science
- Journal of Comparative Anatomy
- And many others, print and online.

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