Felipe Serrano DI

Serrano Pérez, Felipe Dk.


  • Nazioarteko ekonomia
  • Polítika Ekonomikoa
  • Lan merkatua


  • Grupo de Investigación en “Instituciones, Regulación y Política Económica” (2010-18).

  • Grupo de Investigación en “Instituciones, Políticas Económicas y Sociales. Resultados económicos y Desigualdad” (2022-2025).


  • Eguía, B.; Rodriguez, C. and Serrano, F. (2023): “Overeducation and Scarring Effects on the Wages of Young Graduates”, International Journal of Manpower, 2023, Vol.44, No.4, pp.755-771.
  • Peinado, P. and Serrano, F. (2018): “Gender Inequality in the Labour Market and the Great Recession”, in Arestis, P and Sawyer, M (Eds), Inequality: Trends, Causes, Consequences, Relevant Policies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, pp. 233-274.
  • Peinado, P. and Serrano, F. (2017): “Unemployment, Wages and Pensions”, International Review of Applied Economics, Vol.31, No.5, pp.670-680.
  • Peinado, P. and Serrano, F (2012): “A dynamic analysis of the effects on pensioners’ welfare of social security reforms”, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 11 (1) pp. 71-87.
  • Serrano, F.; Eguía, B. and Ferreiro, F. (2011): “Public Pension’s sustainability and population ageing: Is immigration the solution?” International Labour Review, Vol.150, No.1-2, pp.63-79.
  • Altuzarra, A. y Serrano, F. (2010): “Firm’s Innovation activity and numerical flexibility”, Industrial & Labour Relations Review, Vol. 63, No. 2, pp.327-339.