Titulo - Profesorado

Teaching staff

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Knowledge area
Plant Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science and Technology
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Idoia got her Bachelor degree in Biological Sciences in the Complutense University of Madrid (1989) and her doctorate in Sciences in UPV/EHU (1995). She has been teaching in the latter since 1995, in the Biology degree and in the oficial Master Diversity, Ecosystem Functioning and Management, both in the Faculty of Science and Technology.

She takes part in the Flora and Vegetation Research Group of the University of the Basque Country (group A of the Basque university system), which is focused on the diversity and ecology of plant communities, monitoring and conservation of habitats and plant species, and the impact of invasive plants on vegetation. She has directed two PhD, one of them with European mention, and collaborated in 25 research projects (one as main researcher) and 50 contracts with companies and public administrations.

She has co-authored 98 scientific papers (43 indexed in SCOPUS and 33 in WOS), 5 books and 8 book chapters, as well as 114 presentations in conferences, most of them at international level. She has two six-year terms recognized by CNEAI, and takes part in the Council or Governing Board of several international scientific associations and networks: IAVS (International Association for Vegetation Science), EDGG (Eurasian Dry Grassland Group), GrassPlot (Database of multi-scale plant diversity in Palaearctic grasslands), EVA (European Vegetation Archive). She is also Chief Editor in the scientific journals Phytocoenologia and Palaearctic Grasslands