Eduki publikatzailea

Maite Martinez Madrid



1997 urtean hasten da nire irakaskuntza aktibitatea unibertsitatean. Urte hauetan guztietan zehar Zientzia eta Teknologiako Fakultatean emandako Fisiologia-arloaren irakasgaietan hartu dut parte. Gaur egun Biologia, Bioteknologia eta Biokimika graduetan ematen ditut klaseak, baita CTA (Master Universitario en Contaminación y Toxicología Ambientales) eta MER (European Master in Marine Environment and Resources) masterretan.


1997. urtean doktore titulua lourtu nuen "Bioensayos de ecotoxicidad con Daphnia magna y Tubifex tubifex para la caracterización de sedimentos fluviales" lanarekin. Harrezkero "Animalien Ekotoxikotasuna eta Biodivertsitatea" UPV/EHU-ko ikerketa taldean egin dut lana, batez ere ornogabeekin egindako toxizitate bioentseguetan. Hain zuzen ere, ibai sedimentu eta efluente industrialak sailkatzeko eta beraien ingurune-arriskua ebaluatzeko egiten dira entsegu hauek.

Artikulu esanguratsuak

  • Mendez-Fernandez, L.,  Martinez-Madrid, M y P. Rodriguez. Toxicity and critical body residues of Cd, Cu and Cr in the aquatic oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Múller) based on lethal and sublethal effects. Ecotoxicology, 22 (10), 1445-1460. 2013.

  • Rodríguez, P., Maestre, Z., Martinez-Madrid, M y TB. Reynoldson. Evaluating the Type II error rate in a sediment toxicity classification using the Reference Condition Approach. Aquatic Toxicology , 101 207- 213. 2011.

  • Maestre, Z., Martinez-Madrid, M y P. Rodríguez. Monitoring  the sensitivity of the oligochaete Tubifex tubifex  in laboratory cultures using three toxicants. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 2083-2089. 2009.

  • Maestre, Z., Rodríguez, P., y M. Martinez-Madrid. Application of the Sediment Quality TRIAD to rivers in Northern Spain. Ecotoxicolgy Research Development (E.B. Santos, Editor). Nova Science Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-60692-167-8. Hauppauge, New York. 205-224. 2009.

  • Maestre, Z., Martinez-Madrid, M., Rodríguez, P., y T.B Reynoldson. Ecotoxicity assessment of river sediments and a critical evaluation of some of the procedures used in the aquatic Oligochaete Tubifex tubifex chronic bioassay. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 53 559-570. 2007.

  • Viguri, J.R., M.J. Irabien, I. Yusta, J. Soto, J. Gomez, P. Rodríguez, M. Martinez-Madrid, J.A. Irabien, y A. Coz. Physico chemical and toxicological characterization of the historic estuarine sediments: A multidisciplinary approach. Environment International, 33 436-444. 2007.

  • Rodriguez, P., Arrate, A., Martinez-Madrid, M., Reynoldson, T.B., Schumacher, V. y J. Viguri. Toxicity of Santander Bay sediments to the euryhaline freshwater oligochaete Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri. Hydrobiologia, 564 157-169. 2006.

  • Rodriguez, P, Martinez-Madrid, M. y A. Cid. Ecotoxicological assessment of effluents in the Basque Country (Northern Spain) by acute and chronic toxicity tests using Daphnia magna Straus. Ecotoxicology, 15 559- 572. 2006.

  • Arrate, J.A., Rodriguez, P. y M. Martinez Madrid. Tubifex tubifex chronic toxicity test using artificial sediment: methodological issues. Limnetica  23 (1-2) 25-35. 2004.

  • Arrate, A,  Rodriguez, P. y M.  Martinez-Madrid. Effects of three chemicals on the survival and reproduction of the oligochaete worm Enchytraeus coronatus  in chronic toxicity tests. Pedobiologia 46 136-149. 2002.

  • Rodriguez, P., Arrate, A. y M. Martinez Madrid. Life-history of the oligochaete Enchytraeus coronatus (Enchytraeidae, Annelida) in an agar culture. Invertebrate Biology  121(4) 350-356. 2002.

  • Rodriguez, P., Martinez, M , Navarro, E. y A. Arrate. Selective feeding by the aquatic oligochaete Tubifex tubifex (Tubificidae, Clitellata). Hydrobiologia, 463 133-140. 2001.

  • Martinez-Madrid, M., Rodriguez, P. y J.I. Perez-Iglesias. Sediment toxicity bioassays for assessment of polluted sites in the Nervion river (Northern Spain). 1. Three-brood sediment chronic bioassay of D. magna Straus. Ecotoxicology 8(2) 97-109. 1999.

  • Martinez-Madrid, M., Rodriguez, P., Perez-Iglesias, J.I., y E. Navarro. Sediment toxicity bioassays for assessment of polluted sites in the Nervion river (Northern Spain). 2. Tubifex tubifex (Oligochaeta) reproduction sediment bioassay. Ecotoxicology  8 (2) 110-124.1999.

  • Reynoldson, T.B., Rodriguez, P. y  M. Martinez-Madrid. A comparison of reproduction, growth and acute toxicity in two populations of Tubifex tubifex (Müller, 1774) from the North American Great Lakes and Northern Spain. Hydrobiología 334 199-206. 1996.