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Diploma award ceremony for the Graduates of 2018/19 promotion of the Faculty of Chemistry

First publication date: 12/11/2019

On November 8, in the Auditorium of Carlos Santamaría Center of the UPV/EHU, the diploma award ceremony for the 64 graduates of 2018/19 promotion was held.

The act was chaired by the rector of the UPV/EHU, Nekane Balluerka, and the dean of the Faculty of Chemistry, Marian Iriarte Ormazabal.

The teacher Unai Ugalde gave the talk titled "Hasieraren bukaera. Aukerak".

Students that concluded the Degree attended this event accompanied by their relatives and friends. The event finished with the intonation of the university student himn "GAudeamus Igitur".