Regulation for the class photograph

Regulation for the class photograph

  • One single class photograph per year (academic course) will be made, that will be simultaneously include all the willing students (irrespective of the mother language used in their studies) on the basis that they have completed theor studies in that academic year.
  • One single photographic session will be made near Easter, which should be attended by all students who wish to belong to the class photograph.
  • The teachers that will appear on the class photograph will be decided by the Department of Chemical Engineering.
  • The class photographs will be given in mid November, near San Alberto Magno’s Day (November 15).
  • The format of the class photograph will be selected by the Department of Chemical Engineering.
  • The Department of Chemical Engineering will pay the cost corresponding to the basic package to all the students included in the class photograph.

Image Gallery

Chemical Engineering Degree

Image Gallery 2

Bachelor in Chemical Engineering