Lascaray ikergunearen orri nagusia

At present

Presentation of the IKERBASQUE programme

The 17th of march in the Campus of Álava

First publication date: 15/03/2016

They are going to participate in the meeting: Fernando PlazaolaAmaia Esquisabel and Fernando Cossio








  • Date: 14th of march
  • Place: Auditorio Korta (Avda. Tolosa, 72)
  • Hour: 15:30-16:30


  • Date: 17th of march
  • Place: Videoconference room of Lascaray Research Center  (Avda. Miguel de Unamuno, 3)
  • Hour: 10:00-11:00


  • Date: 21st of march
  • Place: Sala de Conferencias (Biblioteca Central – Campus Leioa)
  • Hour: 10:00-11:00


If you are interested in attending, please, send an email to: contact




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