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At present

Lunch with Science in Lascaray- 20th of april: Fernando Benito-Lopez (Ramon y Cajal)

Dispositivos "Point-of-care" con materiales inteligentes

First publication date: 14/04/2016

The 20th of april is going to held another lunch with science in Lascaray Research Center by Fernando Benito-Lopez, PhD.

Fernando Benito-Lopez is member of Analytical Microsystems & Materials for Lab-on-a-Chip (AMMa-LOAC) Group, Microfluidics UPV/EHU Cluster.

  • Title: Dispositivos "Point-of-care" con materiales inteligentes
  • Place: Videconference room of Lascaray Center
  • Date: 20th of april
  • Hour: 14:15-15:15
  • Registrations: send an email before de 18th of april


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