Metrohm dual TritIC system

Metrohm dual TritIC system

Two dual 930 Compact IC Flex ion chromatograph coupled to an 888 Titrandofor anions, cations and carbonate/bicarbonate measurement.

Each 930 Compact IC Flex Metrohm ion chromatograph has an IC Conductivity Detector. In the case of anions, it is used a Metrosep A Supp 7 - 250/4.0 column with a MSM-Metrohm Suppressor Module for chemical suppression and an MCS Metrohm CO2 Suppressor.In the case of cations,it is useda MetrosepC 6 - 150/4.0 column. The system has the inline ultrafiltration technology with an injection volume of 20 µL.For the carbonate/bicarbonate analysis an 888 Titrando Titrator with an 801 magnetic stirrer, 20 mL exchange unit and a combined "Ecotrode Plus" pH glass electrode and AgCl/Ag reference electrode were used. The injection of the sample is controlled by an 815 Robotic USB Sample Procesor XL with a rack for 59 samples. The software used is the MagIC 3.2 and Tiamo 2.5, for the IC and titration systems, respectively.