Luis Ángel Fernández Cuadrado

Luis Ángel Fernández Cuadrado

Full Professor

PhD Chemistry (UPV/EHU)
Faculty of Science & Technology

Since 2001, he is full-professor in analytical chemistry at the University of the Basque Country where he does both research and teaching activities.

Regarding teaching activities, he has taught most of the subjects related with analytical chemistry in the bachelor’s degree of chemistry. Moreover, he is also involved in two official master of sciences (one of them Erasmus+) that have quality mention of the Ministry. He has also supervised 7 PhD thesis as well as 20 bachelor’s and master thesis.

Regarding his research activities, he is part of the research group IBeA, formed by 16 professors from UPV/EHU, which has been awarded by the Basque Country Government with the quality mention (2002 and renewed until 2025) as well as the Group of Excellence (Type A). He has authored more than 125 scientific publications in high impact international journals and around 120 communications in conferences. The scientific output is a result of his leadership/participation in more than 40 research projects, most of them being international and multidisciplinary projects.