III Coloquio euro-latinoamericano de la Red NosOtros

III Euro-Latin American Colloquium of the NosOtrxs Net

Rights, nations, states and borders. From October 9 to 11, 2019. Donostia.



We live, complex and uncertain times. On the one hand, dark shadows announce unpredictable storms: regression of conquered rights; affirmation of the State by repressive means; but also, and in clear opposition, reaffirmation of the citizens through a new wave of social activism where the fulfillment of rights is demanded and also the importance of what are called emerging human rights. We also attend different scenarios: nations that demand an effective presence on the world scene, borders that increasingly show us the urgency of rethinking them and the project of populism that we can link to the rise of authoritarianism. Europe, Brazil or the United States are examples of many of these cases and, due to the proximity of these territories to those places with more war and economic conflicts existing today, focus on this event of global affectations.

In this conflictual scenario, the reactivation of citizenship principles is an example of how we can work today to reorient both these regressive dynamics and to accelerate the consolidation of these new rights. Utopia, as Miguel Abensour said, plays in our favor. For this reason, this colloquium will try to make visible these new ways of thinking and forge the future; scrutinizing new ways of defining ourselves that no longer arrive established from the States, but from the actions of the activated citizenship. Places where there has been so many samples of this collective work; but, equally, open to this global problem, with visions both close and remote from each of the places where they are produced. With the common goal of favoring a "glocal" vision and reflecting alternatives without feet of clay of this other that urges the world as a whole.



The events and academic meetings of the colloquium will be held on October 9, 10 and 11, 2019 in Donostia / San Sebastián. There will be opening and closing conferences, and round tables on the specific topics of the congress. There will be artistic and musical proposals and visits to the interesting places of the cities.


This page will be progressively updated so that those interested in participating can be informed about all the details of the meeting and suggest what they consider appropriate.

You are all invited.