
“La Ética empresarial en diversas manifestaciones del Derecho Mercantil” (Business Ethics in various manifestations of Commercial Law) is a research group composed of professors and researchers from the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) that conducts research within the branch of Commercial Law with respect for the ethical principles that prevail in business and in the market as a common element.

The Group is recognized by the Basque Government in its A modality, in the last call resolved, so its duration has started on 1/1/2016 and will end on 12/31/2021. It should be highlighted the ascending trajectory of the Group, which was constituted as a consolidated group on January 1, 2010 in an internal call of the UPV/EHU. Subsequently, from January 1, 2013, the Basque Government recognized it as a B group and, as we have anticipated, last year this institution qualified it as group A, being the score awarded 93, one of the best rated proposal.

Based on four fundamental lines of research, the Group has currently led and leads several research projects on matters that are express manifestations of the need to incorporate business ethics in the usual performance of companies and operators involved in the market, jointly with the need of taking into account the gender perspective in this field.

It also maintains solid relationships with other national and international groups and is part of research networks in the different areas in which it works. In particular, there have been several research projects that have historically been shared with these other groups and various activities such as congresses, publications and other scientific events have been jointly organized.