

About the master

The programme aims to train economic data analysts who are capable of applying the principles of economic analysis and the adequate quantitative tools to the applied issues on economic and business matters, as well as to the assessment of economic policies.

To this end, the programme is divided into five sections, taught fundamentally in the morning. Section 1 (September): 12 credits for additional training courses; Section 2 (October-December): 20 credits of compulsory training in economic analysis, quantitative techniques and programming; Sections 3 and 4 (January-February and March-April): 28 credits of optional training in subjects of 4 credits with applied and specific content; Section 5 (May-September): Master's Thesis and Extracurricular Voluntary Work Placements (Internships).

With a Master's programme developed entirely in English, the students also get the opportunity to develop their language skills in the same, both oral and written. The requirement for access to the programme is to demonstrate a B2 or an equivalent level of English. In most cases, upon completion of the Master's programme, students are able to demonstrate a C1 level.

The majority of Master's graduates get recruited into companies and institutions by the end of the programme.

The programme also offers the students an opportunity to confirm whether they subsequently wish to pursue a doctoral programme. A good performance in the Master's programme provides access to the Inter-university PhD Programme in Quantitative Finance and Economics of the UPV/EHU, Complutense University of Madrid, University of Valencia and University of Castilla-La Mancha. Furthermore, the students have the option to continue their studies by accessing the second Master of Economics course at the Catholic University of Leuven.

This master's degree has the Unibasq Internationalization Seal, which promotes and recognises the internationalization of the student body.

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Places available



Face-to-face degree course






1 year

Approximate fees

1.800 €

Teaching place

University of the Basque Country: Faculty of Economics and Business


Person in charge of the Master :

Secretariat :
Master Idazkaritza / Secretaría Máster / Master Secretariat

946017082 / 7113 / 3703


4 reasons to study this Master

  • Learn how markets function and how to analyze economic data
  • Become an economic consultant for firms and governments
  • Improve your English within an international atmosphere
  • Grow into a researcher and start a PhD afterwards


Participating Universities

UCL Université catolique de Louvain


Career prospects

  • Economic data analyst for private companies and institutions
  • Independent analyst for governments and public institutions
  • Market and competitive research analyst
  • Electricity market analyst
  • Labour market analyst
  • Cultural goods and services market analyst
  • Policy impact evaluation specialist
  • Macroeconomic analyst
  • Economic analyst for gender inequality
  • Economic Consulting

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Suggestions and requests