
XSL Content

Thermal, textural and morphological analysis of materials (UPV/EHU)

General details of the subject

Face-to-face degree course

Description and contextualization of the subject

In this subject, different Materials Characterization Techniques and aspects of the experimental test for destructive and non-destructive, normative, analytical and instrumental characterization of engineering materials are covered. The possibilities of different characterization techniques are assessed scientifically and technologically, to partially or completely identify a material, especially polymeric and / or composites, its precursor products or degradation products.

Teaching staff

NameInstitutionCategoryDoctorTeaching profileAreaE-mail
AGIRRE ARISKETA, IONUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Titular De UniversidadDoctorBilingualChemical
ECEIZA MENDIGUREN, MARIA ARANZAZUUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctorBilingualChemical
FERNANDEZ SALVADOR, RAQUELUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualChemical
GUTIERREZ CACERES, JUNCALUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualChemical
KORTABERRIA ALTZERREKA, GALDERUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado Catedratico De UniversidadDoctorBilingualChemical
OREGUI BENGOECHEA, MIKELUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualChemical
SARALEGI OTAMENDI, AINARAUniversity of the Basque CountryProfesorado AgregadoDoctorBilingualChemical
TERCJAK SLIWINSKA, AGNIESZKAUniversity of the Basque CountryPersonal Doctor InvestigadorDoctorNot bilingualChemical


Determine all kinds of material properties at any stage of its production, transformation and application process, using technical techniques and other novel techniques, and interpret the information obtained, as well as know the possibilities for improvement (additives, surface treatments, etc.) of the materials in order to optimize their use.100.0 %

Study types

TypeFace-to-face hoursNon face-to-face hoursTotal hours
Applied classroom-based groups101525
Applied laboratory-based groups57.512.5

Training activities

NameHoursPercentage of classroom teaching
Analytical problems - working groups (report)20.00 %
Classroom practicals10.080 %
Computer, laboratory, hands-on field practice5.080 %
Individual work and/or group work25.00 %
Lectures15.080 %

Assessment systems

NameMinimum weightingMaximum weighting
Practical tasks15.0 % 35.0 %
Presentations5.0 % 15.0 %
Realización de prácticas (ejercicios, casos o problemas)15.0 % 35.0 %
Written examination40.0 % 60.0 %

Learning outcomes of the subject

- The student will know the different physical and chemical characterization techniques (wet route) and the standardized techniques that are specific to the definition of raw materials, precursors, semi-finished products and finished products.

- The student will know the spectroscopic techniques for the characterization of these materials, their additives and the bonding and finishing products.

- The student will know the thermal techniques for the characterization of precursors, semi-finished products, finished products and the assessment of the characteristics of the reactions that lead to their formation or degradation.

- The student will know the rheological techniques for the characterization of precursors, semi-finished products and finished materials, as well as for auxiliaries and modifiers that are used for aesthetic or protective purposes.

- The student will know the visual, microscopic, optical and electronic techniques for the characterization of precursors, semi-finished products and constituent finishes of plastic materials and composites, their additives and bonding and finishing products, as well as for the characterization and diagnosis of failure.

- The student will know the mechanical techniques for the characterization of plastic materials and composites, their unions and assemblies.

- The student will understand some of the classic END-NDT techniques for materials inspection.

- The student will understand some techniques for characterizing tests for Weather Resistance and Reaction to Fire, proper for the characterization and qualification of plastic materials and composites.

- The student will know the ways of collecting scientific-technical information, analyze it and select it critically.

- The student will know the different ways of transmitting scientific and technical information orally and writing, in a coherent way. Being able to make an assessment of the risks that certain characterization techniques can entail, both from the point of view of Safety and Hygiene and the Environmental Impact.

Ordinary call: orientations and renunciation

Before the start of each academic year, the time-schedule with the official exam dates for the Ordinary and Extraordinary calls will be updated on the website.

In accordance with the EHEA regulations, the attendance to all activities must be equal or greater than 80%.

The written exam of the ordinary call (50%) will take place at the end of the teaching of the subject on the official dates published by the Master's Management.

At the time of completing the written test, the teaching staff will have all the information (laboratory reports, practical work, etc.) developed during the course, which correspond to the continuous assessment (50%).

The final grade will be calculated as the sum of the grades of the final exam and those of the tasks carried out by the students during the course (continuous evaluation), as long as both items are compensated.

* For any reason, if continuous assessment tests are not possible to perform (reports, problem resolutions…), the corresponding percentage would be added to the written tests. In these cases, additional sections can be included in the final exam.

** Students who are in third or higher summons will be evaluated by a board appointed for this purpose. Resignation (for ordinary and/or extraordinary calls):

- The resignation to the call will suppose the "Not Presented" qualification.

- To request the resignation, the student must send an email 15 calendar days before the official date of the evaluation. This email will be addressed to the administrative secretary of the master with CC to the Master Coordinator.

Extraordinary call: orientations and renunciation

The written exam of the extraordinary call (50%) will be held on the official dates published by the Master's Management.

The continuous assessment grade (if it is higher than 5/10) will be kept for the extraordinary call. In this case, the final grade will be obtained as a sum of the final exam grades (50%) and the tasks carried out by the students during the course (continuous evaluation 50%).

Students who do not have passed or do not wish to keep the continuous assessment grade, will take a single written exam (100% of the final grade), upon written request addressed to the professor.

* Students who are in third or higher summons will be evaluated by a board appointed for this purpose. Resignation (for ordinary and/or extraordinary calls):

- The resignation to the call will suppose the "Not Presented" qualification.

- To request the resignation, the student must send an email 15 calendar days before the official date of the evaluation. This email will be addressed to the administrative secretary of the master with CC to the Master Coordinator.


1. Introduction to Instrumental Analysis. Physicochemical characterization (wet) and normative of the components of the plastics.

2. Spectroscopic techniques. Atomic and molecular spectroscopy. Fundamentals, sample preparation, analysis and discussion of the results.

3. Thermal Techniques (calorimetry, thermogravimetry, thermomechanical analysis). Instrumental characterization tests, regulations. Sample preparation, analysis development, interpretation of results.

4. Dynamic techniques. Dynamic-mechanical analysis. Dielectric spectroscopy. Basics, sample preparation, analysis development, interpretation of results.

5. Microscopic techniques (OM, SEM, TEM, AFM and STM). Basics. Sample preparation, microtomy and ultramicrotomy, sputter. Film preparation techniques. Analysis development. Interpretation of results.

6. Rheological techniques for materials characterization. Basics. Sample preparation, analysis development, interpretation of results.

7. Inspection by N.D.T for the characterization of materials. Basics, preparation of samples, analysis development, interpretation of results.

8. Weather Resistance and Fire Reaction Tests.

9. Combined use of instrumental techniques. Simultaneous analysis of results obtained by different techniques. Interpretation of results.


Compulsory materials

Lab coats, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), tools and materials designated by the faculty and by the UPV-EHU's Prevention and Safety Service.

Basic bibliography

1. Fractography. Observing, measuring and interpreting fracture surface topography. Derek Hull. University Press, Cambridge (1999).

2. Handbook of Microscopy for Nanotechnology. Ed. by Nan Yao and Zhong Lin Wang. Kluwer Academic Pu. New York (2005).

3. Characterization of nanophase materials. Ed. by Zhong Lin Wang. Wiley-VCH. Weinheim (2000).

4. Polymer Microscopy. Ed. by L.C. Sawyer and D.T. Grubb. Chapman & Hall. London (1996).

5. Scanning Probe Microscopy: characterization, nanofabrication, and device application of functional materials. Ed. by P.M. Vilarinho, Y. Rosenwaks and A. Kingon. Kluwer. Dordrecht (2002).

6. Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopies. Ed. by Colton, Engel, Frommer, Gaub, Gewirth, Guckenberger, Heckl, Parkinson, Rabe. Wiley. West Sussex (1999).

7. Thin film analysis by X-ray scattering. Ed. by M. Birkholz. Wiley-VCH. Weinheim (2006).

8. Encyclopedia of Spectroscopy. Ed. by H.H. Perkampus. Wiley-VCH- Weinheim (1995).

9. Structure determination of organic compounds. Ed. By Pretsch Ernö, Bühlmann Philippe, Badertscher Martin. Springer. Berlin (2009).

10. Faraldos,M.; Goberna, C.; “Técnicas de Análisis y caracterización de Materiales”. Ed. C.S.I.C 2ª Ed. (2011)

11. Calvó-Monreal, X.; “Polímeros e Instrumentos: de la Química a la biología”. Ed. C.S.I.C (2012)

12. Mijangos, C.; Moya, J.S.; “Nuevos Materiales en la Sociedad del siglo XXI”. Ed. C.S.I.C (2007)

13. González-Viñas, W.; “Ciencia de los Materiales”. Ed. Ariel (2003)

14. Higson,P.J.; “Analytical Chemistry” Oxford University Press, Oxford (2004)

15. Carlson, L.A.; “Experimental Characterization of Advanced Composite Materials” American technical Publishers Ltd. (1996)

16. Sepe, M.; “Dynamic Mechanical Analysis for Plastics Engineering” American Technical Publishers Ltd. (1998)

17. Cheremisinoff, N.P.; “Poloymer Characterization” American Technical Publishers Ltd. (1996)

18. AT & T; “Quelity Manager’s Handbook (1998)

19. UNE-EN-ISO Standards for material testing

20. ASTM “Annual Book of ASTM Standards” (en constante renovación.

21. Brandon, D.; Kaplan, W.D.; “Microstructural characterization of Materials”. J. Wiley & Sons (1999)

In-depth bibliography

The specialized journals will be consulted continuously to search those articles adapted to each particular interest. Specialized electronic databases will also be used.

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