
Título - Estrategias Científicas

Doctoral Programme in Scientific Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Heritage and Landscape

Nested Applications

Presentación - Estrategias Científicas

This doctoral programme is promoted by the "Global Change and Heritage" Training and Research Unit, made up of three research groups of excellence: IBeA (Analytical Research and Innovation), HGI (Hydrogeology-Geotechnics-Environment) and GPAC (Built Heritage), plus other researchers from the UPV/EHU (Restoration, Architecture and Plant Biology), the Institute of Heritage Sciences - Incipit (CSIC) and the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Heritage and Landscape.

The doctoral programme forms part of the high-level training commitments in Heritage and Landscape that the Basque Government acquired on joining the European Landscape Convention (Council of Europe on 19th July 2000 and signed by the member states in Florence on 20th October 2000). To do so, it tackles the different research lines in an inter-disciplinary manner based on projects with high social impact (Galerías de Punta Begoña, Valle Salado de Añana, Zona Minera, etc.), in which the doctoral degree students participate.

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Ficha de Grado

Part-time studies

Duration: 7 - 8 years

Places available: 10

Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year

Ficha de Grado

Full-time studies

Duration: 4 - 5 years

Places available: 10

Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year


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Research teams and research topics

Research teams and research topics
Research teamsResearch topics
  • A study of the social value of heritage and the landscape and the processes which give rise to them and use them. Research to quantify the value of heritage to the community and its impact, public dimension and community heritage.
  • Development of comprehensive protocols for the management of heritage and the landscape, integrating research activities carried out along other lines with a view to proposing new protocols based on scientific development, of use to third parties.
  • Development of new methodologies and procedures of a non-invasive nature, applied to heritage and the landscape. Research into characterization, diachronic analysis, conservation, restoration, dating, cataloguing and allocation of heritage.
  • Development, validation and application of theories, methodologies and information technologies to heritage and the landscape. Research comprising conceptual modelling, geospatial technologies, simulation, quantitative techniques and chemometrics.
  • Heritage Construction Processes. Heritage processes (anthropological, sociological and historical studies of heritage), heritage ethnography, intangible heritage, unwanted heritage, identity and historical memory.
  • Multi-dimensional study and characterization of cultural landscapes, including urban ones, and their relationship with heritage. Landscape archaeology and architecture, the paleoenvironment, land planning, urban planning, art and performative actions.
  • Study of the effects and interactions of global change on heritage and the landscape. Research into geoarchaeology, archaeometry, earth sciences, climate change, social changes and multi- and transculturality.
  • Development of comprehensive protocols for the management of heritage and the landscape, integrating research activities carried out along other lines with a view to proposing new protocols based on scientific development, of use to third parties.
  • Development of new methodologies and procedures of a non-invasive nature, applied to heritage and the landscape. Research into characterization, diachronic analysis, conservation, restoration, dating, cataloguing and allocation of heritage.
  • Development, validation and application of theories, methodologies and information technologies to heritage and the landscape. Research comprising conceptual modelling, geospatial technologies, simulation, quantitative techniques and chemometrics.
  • Establishment of the environmental impact of chemical and physical sources on the landscape and elements of heritage. Basic aspects of chemical, physical and earth sciences to understand, model and diagnose environmental impacts.
  • Hydrological Functionality of the Territory: The river basin as an integrating system. Implications of the changes in the territory on the water cycle; changes in land use and plant cover arising from climate change.
  • Multi-dimensional study and characterization of cultural landscapes, including urban ones, and their relationship with heritage. Landscape archaeology and architecture, the paleoenvironment, land planning, urban planning, art and performative actions.
  • Study of the effects and interactions of global change on heritage and the landscape. Research into geoarchaeology, archaeometry, earth sciences, climate change, social changes and multi- and transculturality.
  • Development of comprehensive protocols for the management of heritage and the landscape, integrating research activities carried out along other lines with a view to proposing new protocols based on scientific development, of use to third parties.
  • Development of new methodologies and procedures of a non-invasive nature, applied to heritage and the landscape. Research into characterization, diachronic analysis, conservation, restoration, dating, cataloguing and allocation of heritage.
  • Development, validation and application of theories, methodologies and information technologies to heritage and the landscape. Research comprising conceptual modelling, geospatial technologies, simulation, quantitative techniques and chemometrics.
  • Establishment of the environmental impact of chemical and physical sources on the landscape and elements of heritage. Basic aspects of chemical, physical and earth sciences to understand, model and diagnose environmental impacts.
  • Hydrological Functionality of the Territory: The river basin as an integrating system. Implications of the changes in the territory on the water cycle; changes in land use and plant cover arising from climate change.
  • Multi-dimensional study and characterization of cultural landscapes, including urban ones, and their relationship with heritage. Landscape archaeology and architecture, the paleoenvironment, land planning, urban planning, art and performative actions.
  • Study of the effects and interactions of global change on heritage and the landscape. Research into geoarchaeology, archaeometry, earth sciences, climate change, social changes and multi- and transculturality.