
Título - Ingeniería Náutica, Marina y Radioelectrónica Naval

Doctoral Programme in Nautical, Marine and Maritime Radioelectronics Engineering

Nested Applications

Presentación - Ingeniería Náutica, Marina y Radioelectrónica Naval

This doctoral programme aims to train qualified researchers to be capable of high levels of innovation and the advancement of knowledge in the field of nautical, marine and naval radio-electronic engineering, who can be fully integrated into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA).

The main subjects around which this doctoral programme is based are:

  • Maritime safety.
  • Transport and navigation.
  • Naval propulsion.
  • Maritime radio-communications.


Teaching and research related to the programme's subject matter at universities and research centres are just two of the career opportunities offered by this doctoral programme, as well as regulated merchant navy professions.

XSL Content

Ficha de Grado

Part-time studies

Duration: 7 - 8 years

Places available: 1

Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year

Ficha de Grado

Full-time studies

Duration: 4 - 5 years

Places available: 3

Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year


Academic queries:

Administrative queries:

Suggestions and requests

XSL Content

Research teams and research topics

Research teams and research topics
Research teamsResearch topics
Safety, transport, navigation, propulsion and maritime communications
  • Maritime Radiocommunications
  • Maritime Safety
  • Maritime Transport
  • Naval Propulsion
  • Transport and Navigation