The Doctoral Programme in Mechanical Engineering is in keeping with the line followed by the professors of the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the UPV/EHU over the last 25 years. The proposed Doctoral Program has the following characteristics:
a) It is a quality program with proven excellence, which arose from a doctoral program, which achieved a "mention towards excellence" in 2011.
b) It is a specialized training program for top-level researchers in the field of mechanical engineering, which leads to the obtaining of the specific qualification of Doctor in Mechanical Engineering.
c) The research groups, which support the program, collaborate and transfer knowledge to the regional administrations in different projects and to regional and national industry, as well as developing technology (patents, models, etc.) for their transfer to the productive sector.
The group of professors and researchers involved in this doctoral program in Mechanical Engineering belong to the areas of knowledge of Mechanical Engineering, Continuum Mechanics and Theory of Structures and Construction Engineering.
Ficha de Grado
Part-time studies
Duration: 7 - 8 years
Places available: 5
Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year
Ficha de Grado
Full-time studies
Duration: 4 - 5 years
Places available: 15
Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year
Academic queries: igor.fernandezdebustos@ehu.eus
Administrative queries: ingenieriamecanica.doke@ehu.eus
Suggestions and requestsResearch teams and research topics
Research teams | Research topics |
Manufacture |