
Título - Europa y el Mundo Atlántico

Doctoral Programme in Europe and the Atlantic World: Power, Culture and Society

Nested Applications

Presentación - Europa y el Mundo Atlántico

The aim of the interuniversity doctoral programme Europe and the Atlantic World: Power, Culture and Society conducted jointly by the UPV/EHU and the University of Valladolid (Uva) is to provide students with advanced training that will enable them to acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to be able to carry out research work, particularly in the preparation and presentation of their doctoral thesis, under the supervision of their tutor and/or director, in the different scopes of study of Mediaeval, Modern, Contemporary History, and the History of America.

The lines of research covered by the Programme are: Landscape, heritage and material culture; Economic and social history; Political and ideological representations and constructions; Europe and America; Atlantic links and relations.

These research teams work in close collaboration with other national and international bodies and universities, which benefits the students in their training.

XSL Content

Ficha de Grado

Part-time studies

Duration: 7 - 8 years

Places available: 10

Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year

Ficha de Grado

Full-time studies

Duration: 4 - 5 years

Places available: 10

Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year


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Suggestions and requests

XSL Content

Research teams and research topics

Research teams and research topics
Research teamsResearch topics
History of the economy, society, power and culture in the Middle Ages
  • Economical and social history
  • Political and ideological constructions and representations
History of the economy, society, power and science and technology in modern Spain
  • Economical and social history
  • Political and ideological constructions and representations
Landscape, heritage and material culture
  • Landscape, heritage and material culture
Links and relations in the latin american world
  • Europe and America: Atlantic links and relations
  • Political and ideological constructions and representations
Society and power in contemporary Spain
  • Economical and social history
  • Political and ideological constructions and representations