
Título - Educacion Escuela Lengua y Sociedad

Doctoral Programme in Education: School, Language and Society

Nested Applications

Presentación - Educacion Escuela Lengua y Sociedad

This Doctoral Programme aims to tackle research in Education from a multi-pronged perspective, and its main goal is to improve knowledge of the existing educational reality through research. The programme is arranged around three main areas: school, language and society.

In the field of "School", the principle lines of research revolve around the analysis of factors associated with academic performance, with the design and assessment programmes to improve centres and systems, with the impact of new methodologies and the use of digital resources, as well as the study of educational quality and the aspects linked to teacher training.

In the field of "Language", the research work is focused both on the use of minoritised languages and on multilingualism in educational contexts and in other social areas.

In the field of "Society", the emphasis is on the multiple factors involved in socio-educational interventions (interculturality, educational inclusion, family, childhood, youth, migrant populations, etc.) which require a process of reflection that can be boosted by educational research. In this sense, the core research areas may focus on agents, institutions or on professional training.

XSL Content

Ficha de Grado

Part-time studies

Duration: 7 - 8 years

Places available: 9

Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year

Ficha de Grado

Full-time studies

Duration: 4 - 5 years

Places available: 21

Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year


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Suggestions and requests

XSL Content

Research teams and research topics

Research teams and research topics
Research teamsResearch topics
  • Integrating immigrant children. Language and Immigration
  • Minority languages in education, linguistic landscape
  • Multilingual and multicultural education. Language acquisition in the school context
  • Educational Technology: ICT and socio-educational inclusion; Internet and Higher Education
  • Evaluation of programmes, systems and educational centres
  • Teaching professional and institutional development and educational change
  • Disabilities. Quality of life. Person-centred planning. Special employment
  • History of Education in Euskal Herria and educational historical heritage
  • Inclusive education. Inclusion of vulnerable social groups. Attention to diversity. Advice and support services
  • Right to education, child rights and comparative and international education
  • Socio-emotional skills, values in the curriculum, intervention programmes, good treatment, prevention and coping with bullying, citizenship