The aim of this Doctoral Programme is to train in research applied to Contemporary History. It is a highly-skilled interuniversity programme that is implemented jointly by seven universities: Autonomous University of Madrid; University of Cantabria; Complutense University of Madrid; University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea; University of Santiago de Compostela; University of Valencia; and the University of Zaragoza.
Its highly qualified and experienced teaching staff enable it to offer doctoral theses on varied aspects of Contemporary History, which can be applied to different geographical areas: Social change and economic transformations; the State and public space; history of international relations; historiography and politics of memory; identities, nation and nationalism; rural societies and urban societies, to name but a few.
Ficha de Grado
Part-time studies
Duration: 7 - 8 years
Places available: 5
Approximate fees: 219 €/academic year
Ficha de Grado
Full-time studies
Duration: 4 - 5 years
Places available: 10
Approximate fees: 301 €/academic year
Academic queries: coro.rubio@ehu.eus
Administrative queries: historiacontemporanea.doke@ehu.eus
Suggestions and requestsResearch teams and research topics
Research teams | Research topics |
Historiography and memory politics |
History of international relations |
Identities, nation and nationalism |
Rural societies, urban societies |
Social change and economic transformations |
The State and public space |