Tailerra Nazioartekoa
Open anticipations in research and policy (experiences, methods, concepts)
Noiz eta non
Noiztik: 2023/07/12 Noiz arte: 2023/07/13
Tolosa Hiribidea, 76
E‐20018 Donostia / San Sebastián
programa del taller
miércoles 12 de julio
Bienvenida e Introducción ( Hannot Rodriguez / Andreas Lösch ) (9:00‐9:30)
- 9:30‐10:30: Niklas Gudowsky / Mahshid Sotoudeh (ITA/OEAW): Regional food systems – scenarios and policy recommendations.
- 10:30‐11:30: Andreas Lösch / Paulina Dobroć (ITAS/KIT): Opening and closing down futures: opportunities, requirements and challenges in vision assessment practices of technology assessment.
Coffee break (11:30-12:00)
- 12:00‐13:00: Sergio Urueña (UPV/EHU & Univ. of Twente) / Hannot Rodríguez (UPV/EHU) / Andoni Ibarra (UPV/EHU): Unveiling Networks: An Analytic‐Deconstructive Instrument for Interventive‐Anticipatory Practices.
Lunch break (13:00-14:00)
- 14:00‐15:00: Kornelia Konrad (Univ. of Twente): Fostering responsible anticipation in the governance of research and innovation.
- 15:00‐18:00: Discussion on the most important, common, and different results of the presentations.
Social Dinner (20:00)
Thursday 13th of July
Opening of the second day (9:00‐9:15)
- 9:15‐10:15: António Moniz (Univ. Nova Lisbon) / Nuno Boavida (CICS.NOVA) / Marta Candeias (ISTID and CICS.NOVA): Anticipatory methods and research in Portugal: experiences from the Observatory of Technology Assessment.
- 10:15-11:45: Discussion on the future steps of the Anticipation and Policies Network - Publications (1/2).
Coffee break (11:45-12:00)
- 12:00-13:00: Discusión sobre los pasos futuros de la Red de Anticipación y Políticas - Publicaciones (2/2).
Almuerzo Social (13:00-14:00)