
Dra. Cristina Uriarte

(<strong>Profesora Titular, grupo de invesitgación:</strong> Ciencia de los polímeros)


Correo electrónico


Cristina Uriarte (Professor of Chemical Physics) graduated from the University of the Basque Country in 1984 and obtained the PhD degree in 1988 from the same university focusing on polymer miscibility and phase separation in polymer blends under the supervisión of Prof. J.J. Iruin. In 1989 she obtained a position of assistant professor in the Department of Polymer Science and Technology of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and in 1997 she was promoted to associated professor. She is member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Chemistry, of Polymer's Specializated Group and of the Insitute of Polymer Materials, POLYMAT.


Dr. Uriarte has focused her activity in the field of polymer blends and basically on those aspects related to their physicochemical characterization. Her current research topics ar focused on: polymer miscibility, transport and barrier properties (solubility, diffusion and permeability) of multicomponent polymeric films.

Since 2004 she is the Vicepresident of the Campus of Gipuzkoa of the University of the Basque Country.


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