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News from the field IV International seminar

News from the field mintegiaren IV. saioan, landa laneko esperientziak ikerketa prozesua nola modulatzen duen izango dute aipagai tesi prozesuaren une desberdinetan diren antropologian doktoregai zein ikerlariek. Bereziki doktoregaiei zuzendutako graduondoko mintegia bada ere, saioa irekia da; nagusiki euskaraz eta ingelesez izango da.

This fourth session of the News from the field seminar will focus on how the fieldwork experience modulates, at different stages, the research process of anthropology PhD students and researchers. Aimed at postgraduate students (PhD and master), the seminar is open to faculty members too; it will be mainly held in Basque and English.

Antolatzailea / Organizer

  • Aitzpea Leizaola  (UPV/EHU)

Laguntzaileak / With the collaboration of

  • BFGA         Antropologia masterra

Non / Where: Balioen Fiolosofia eta Gizarte Antropologia mintegia
Philosphie of Value and Social Anthropology seminar room
HEFA I –UPV/EHU Tolosa hiribidea 70, Donostia 20018

Noiz/ When: 2024-12-19, 11:00-13:00

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