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Nested Applications

Nabarmentzekoa - GrAL

Nabarmentzekoa - MUGIKORTASUNA

Nabarmentzekoa - ENPRESAK


Doctoral thesis defence: Soluciones innovadoras basadas en manipuladores móviles para el nuevo paradigma de fabricación flexible en el marco de la Industria 4.0

Author: Jose Luis Outon Méndez

Thesis: "Soluciones innovadoras basadas en manipuladores móviles para el nuevo paradigma de fabricación flexible en el marco de la Industria 4.0"

Directors: Basilio Sierra Araujo / Ivan Villaverde De la Nava

Day: October 24, 2024
Time: 11:30h
Place: Ada Lovelace room (Faculty of computer science)



By analyzing the current situation and future trends in the industry, particularly in production and manufacturing plants, various factors can be identified that are changing the industry as we know it. There is a paradigm shift in the current needs of manufacturing that is causing a transition from the current approach based on mass production to a mass customization approach, where production volumes are smaller and variable. Current processes are highly adapted to the previous paradigm and lack the necessary flexibility to adapt to new production needs. In addition, there is a decrease in the availability of trained operators due to the aging of the population. Adapting to this new scenario represents a challenge for companies, especially small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), which are clearly experiencing their specialization turning against them.

The objective of this work is to mitigate the effects of this paradigm shift in the industry by including flexible robotic solutions in production processes. Specifically, first a review of the literature on autonomous mobile manipulators and their applications in different industrial fields is presented as a basis of the work carried out. This work has made several contributions in the following fields of study, supported by publications in high-impact journals: Industry 4.0 Mobile

Robotics, Artificial perception, Autonomous navigation, Collaborative robotics, Sensor fusion, AIMMs (Autonomous Industrial Mobile Manipulators)."

Contenido 7 - Sellos