HEHGAN-2 - Valuation of the linguistic competence of basque-speaking children
Specific program: Citizenship
Grant Agreement: 2023-23
Project objective: The main objective of HEHGAN-2 is to promote the collaboration between citizens and professionals initiated with HEHGAN, in order to alleviate, as far as possible, the lack of instruments used by clinical professionals in the different territories of the Euroregion to diagnose the linguistic abilities of Basque-speaking children.
Research team:
Partner Entities:
- University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) (Project Leader)
- Euskal Ortofonisten Elkartea (EOE).
- Bortziriakeko GUZTIOK Taldea
Total budget: €6,100 (UPV/EHU: €5,100)
Subsidy awarded: €3,000 (UPV/EHU: €2,500.00)
Project start: 09/01/2023
Project end: 09/01/2024
Total duration of the project: 12 months
Project Summary: The shortage of instruments for assessing language development in Basque is a major problem for professionals involved in intervention in language disorders in Basque-speaking children (speech and language therapists, counselors, linguists, etc.).
HEHGAN-2 promotes cooperation between therapists with experience in speech therapy intervention in Basque in the Euroregion as a solution to this problem. The inclusion of the HIGA instrument 'Hizkuntzaren Garapena Aztertzeko Tresna' (EOE et al., 2022), designed for the assessment of language competence in Basque among its diagnostic tools, and its commitment to obtaining samples of patients with language disorders, will enhance collaboration between language therapists to address the lack of assessment instruments in Basque. In addition, the comparison of samples of different disorders and/or language profiles will make it possible to identify the strengths/weaknesses of the diagnostic assessment instruments available and to make progress in improving them.
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