Pillar 3: Innovative Europe

HE Pillar 3_European Innovation

Europe has a solid research and industrial base and is the home of bold, creative entrepreneurs. Yet it often needs to strengthen the use of its scientific excellence and industrial prowess to accelerate innovation and turn innovative SMEs into global technology giants. By reinforcing close cross-border collaboration between multiple actors, including academia, the public sector, industry and individual entrepreneurs, Horizon Europe aims to develop radical solutions to pressing societal challenges and fostering sustainable economic growth and employment. Through its Pillar III ‘Innovative Europe’, the programme will focus on supporting the development of disruptive and market-creating innovations and on enhancing European innovation ecosystems. 

Horizon Europe: Pillar 3 Projects

FUNANBULIST - FUnctional Nucleic Acids as Versatile SMart BUilding BLocks in Non-ConventIonal SolvenTs

Specific programme: HORIZON EIC Grants
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Coordinator
UPV/EHU PI: Thomas Shafer

Project start: 01/05/2023
Project end: 30/04/2026

Brief description: Almost half of the production costs in the rapidly growing chiral chemicals market is spent on the downstream processing costs due to challenging separation tasks and demanding levels of purification. FUNAMBULIST aims at a radically new science-enabled production of fine chemicals by emulating the ingenuity of biological processes in an engineered environment. In this way, FUNAMBULIST aims at overcoming the current dogma that fine chemicals are produced via traditional synthetic routes in organic solvents. FUNAMBULIST creates a modular toolkit that enables a radically different approach to design chemical reactions in the fine chemicals market by abandoning the current, artificial gap between biological and chemical function.