The ERA-NET scheme emerged in the EU's Sixth Framework Programme for RTD to support cooperation and coordination of national activities, programmes and initiatives related to science, technology and innovation with the aim of strengthening the European Research Area (ERA).

In most ERA-NETs, ​​coordination has reached the point of being able to launch calls for grants for joint research projects. These are transnational calls to which common application, evaluation and selection procedures are applied for proposals, which have been developed and agreed upon by all participating agencies.

The projects presented are two/three years long, close to the market, and with the aim of covering the needs of the company.

Era-Nets can be in any field of Science and Technology. You can see data of the ERANETS in which Spain has participated in previous years here.

ERA-NET Projects

CEBBEC: Controlar las correlaciones de EPR y BELL en condensados de Bose-Einstein

Specific programme: QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies
UPV/EHU Partner Status: Beneficiary
UPV/EHU PI: Geza Toth
Project start: 01/05/2018
Project end:   30/04/2021

Brief description:   Our purpose is both to gain a deeper understanding of quantum information in many body systems as well as to develop practical approaches for manipulating and exploiting it. The main targets are (i) to take advantage of this type of quantum correlation, (ii) to implement device-independent entanglement witnesses, (iii) to explore fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics, and (iv) to realize proof-of-principle implementations of quantum information and quantum measurement protocols with atomic many-body systems. Atomic interactions in BEC's constitute a non-linearity highly analogous to four-wave mixing or parametric down-conversion in optics, and hence can create strong entanglement. Two separate lines of research have been pursued in the past; on the one hand, one can use the spin degrees of freedom of an atom to produce atom pairs whose spins are entangled, and on the other hand one can entangle the motional degrees of freedom in a spirit close to that of the original EPR proposal. In the CEBBEC project, these two lines of research will be brought together in both the technological sense (using one kind of entanglement to make another) and conceptual one (for example studying complex situations in which both spin and motion are entangled) giving rise to new possibilities for applications and new theoretical challenges.


Contact information:

International R&D Office UPV/EHU