Host Research Group
FR12_LOgistique COopérative et Optimisation Team (LOCO2) - IMS LAB_Rémy Dupas
Rémy Dupas
Group description
The description of the Production Engineering Group is available at
Within this group, the “LOgistique COopérative et Optimisation” (LOCO2) team focuses on the optimisation of production and transport activities. We study the operational and tactical levels of supply chain planning. The solving methodologies are based on mathematical modelling (i.e. linear programming), on approximated optimisation methods (i.e. metaheuristics) and on the implementation of game theory approaches.
The main scientific achievements are in the following areas:
- Cooperative supply chain planning. In this field, two contributions (Zhen-Zhen Jia and Yiting Wang phDs) focus on the producer/carrier relationship and deal with the development of a negotiation protocol allowing to reach a planning compromise satisfying the producer while improving that of multiple carriers. In the field of reverse logistics, another work (Alioune Fall phD) proposes a generic planning model for collection and disassembly taking into account the uncertainty on the quality of the processed product, based on a stochastic linear programming approach.
- Planning of vehicle routing in freight transport. The work carried out (Rodrigue Tchapnga-Takoudjou phD), addresses the problems of pickups and deliveries with transhipment. To solve this problem, we use on the one hand a mathematical model in mixed variables and on the other hand an approximate optimization method which allows to obtain solutions of satisfactory quality. More recently, the work has been oriented towards the implementation of advanced methodologies in exact optimisation (decomposition methods, column generation) allowing to push back the barriers of the complexity (NP-hard) of the problems that appear in urban logistics. In this field, a collaboration started in 2017 with the INRIA Sud-Ouest "RealOpt" team (in connection with the IMB of the University of Bordeaux) to solve multi-step vehicle routing problems integrating satellite depots (Guillaume Marques phD).
- Optimisation of reconfigurable production systems is being addressed in the framework of a Cifre phD started in 2020 and supported by the PORTAGE project (see Ongoing Project). This work aims to develop a methodology for improving and optimising flows coupled with discrete flow simulation addressing internal logistics. The target application of this methodology concerns the autonomous electric wheel developed by the company Ez-Wheel (See Ongoing Portage project)
- Production Engineering
- Simulation
- Optimization
- Manufacturing systems
- Production Planning
- Enterprise Engineering
Team Description
Dupas Rémy (Principal Investigator)
ORCID: 0000-0003-3882-7305
François Julien (Co-Principal Investigator)
ORCID: 0000-0002-9537-6806
Jean-Baptiste Clarion (Research staff(ph-D))
Portage PlatefOrme de RoboTisation et d’Autonomisation GénériquE de bâtis industriels
Pl: Dupas R.
Funding Agency*: Regional : Région Nouvelle Aquitaine
Ongoing: yes
Project reference: -Manager IMS-Productique : Dupas R. -Project name « PORTAGE » -Funding : Région Nouvelle Aquitaine) – Agreement CT_2018-594 – Accord de consortium signé le 01/02/2019 – durée : 24 mois – Budget IMS 60 000 euros. - Main partners : ez-Wheel ; Akka ; IIDRE - Other partners externe (Target case study) Dassault.
Pl: Traoré M. K. François J. et al.
Funding Agency*: European: Erasmus+ programme
Ongoing: yes
Project reference:
Dupas et al., An improved branch-cut-and-price algorithm for the two-echelon capacitated vehicle routing problem, COR, 2020 -
Dupas et al., A Multi-commodity Network Flow Model for Sustainable Performance Evaluation in City Logistics: Application to the Distribution of Multi-tenant Buildings in Tokyo, Sustainability, 2020 -
Dupas et al., Scheduling Freight Trains in Rail-rail Transshipment Yards with Train Arrangements, International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications, 2017
DOI: 10.5815/ijisa.2017.10.02 -
Dupas et al., A Parallel Ring Method for Solving a Large-scale Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science, 2016
DOI: 10.5815/ijitcs.2016.05.01 -
Dupas et al., A negotiation protocol to improve planning coordination in transport-driven supply chains, Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 2016
10.1016/j.jmsy.2015.10.003, 2016
Research Lines
- This project is in the context of the factory of the future where resources (manufacturing and maintenance) are mobile and geo-localizable. More specifically, the project focuses on the modelling and development of a solution method for the optimisation of the reconfiguration of flexible production lines using AGVs (Automatic Guided Vehicles) or AMRs (Autonomous Mobile Robots). These highly complex problems (NP-hard optimisation problems) require the use of advanced methodologies combining approximate methods (metaheuristics) and exact methods (linear programming). The optimisation criteria concerns the minimisation of the distances travelled but also the reduction of travel effort (energy consumption) and inactivity time related to reconfiguration (lean manufacturing context). The search for a compromise between these different criteria leads to the development of a multi-objective optimisation method exploiting several existing paradigms (weighted sum, Pareto optimisation, Epsilon-constraints). The validation of the proposed method will be based on instances of the literature as well as on data from real cases resulting from work in progress within the Portage project (see Ongoing project)
- We took part to the IMS-Productique Greendrive project ( which is an European project in the Erasmus program, involving University of Deusto (Bilbao) to create a Master in Engineering of sustainable vehicles.
- ESTIA, engineering school located at Bidart, is a historical partner of Productique Group. Some teachers/researchers, like Merlo C., Legardeur J., are attached to our research group.