
Asset Publisher

Host Research Group

FR1_Supercritical Fluids Team - ICMCB LAB_Cyril Aymonier

Cyril Aymonier

+33613854799 7/

Group description

The ICMCB (Institut de Chimie de la Matière Condensée de Bordeaux, UMR 5026) is a French laboratory dedicated to Solid State Chemistry and Materials Science. Among the 7 research departments, the Supercritical Fluids dept. is working on the advanced and sustainable manufacturing of functional materials (through synthesis and recycling), preparing unique and high quality nanostructures in supercritical fluids. The Supercritical Fluids dept. is also very active in the associated technological developments at different scales from microfluidic scale (mg scale of materials) up to industrial pilot scale (kg scale of materials).

This breakthrough technology has been exploited for the ultrafast synthesis of geominerals, especially calcium silicate hydrates for green concrete. These recent advances open the door to functional green concrete.


  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Sustainable manufacturing
  • Supercritical fluids
  • Green concrete
  • Energy storage
  • CO2 capture
  • Photonic concrete
  • Recycling
  • Life Cycle Assessment
  • Circular economy

Team Description

  • Aymonier Cyril (PI)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-1775-0716

  • Cario Anais (RE)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-9760-4860

  • Erriguible Arnaud (RE)

    ORCID: 0000-0003-2454-5307

  • Marre Samuel (RE)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8889-187X

  • Philippot Gilles (RE)

    ORCID: 0000-0001-8560-1240


  • Securing the supply chain for rare earth polymer-bonded magnets by recycling

    Pl: Cyril Aymonier

    Funding Agency*: EU

    Ongoing: yes

  • ERC Big MAC

    Pl: Samuel Marre

    Funding Agency*: EU

    Ongoing: yes

  • Recycling of permanent magnets

    Pl: Cyril Aymonier

    Funding Agency*: NAT

    Ongoing: yes


    Pl: Arnaud Erriguible

    Funding Agency*: NAT

    Ongoing: yes

  • Hydrothermal biomass carbonisation

    Pl: Cyril Aymonier

    Funding Agency*: RE

    Ongoing: yes

* INT - International EU - European NAT - National RE - Regional


  • V. Musumeci, G. Goracci, P.S. Camacho, J.S. Dolado, C. Aymonier, Correlation between the dynamics of nanoconfined water and local chemical environments in calcium silicate hydrate nanominerals, Chem. Eur. J., 31(26), 2100915., 2021

  • M.L. DE MARCO, T. JIANG, J. FANG, S. LACOMME, Y. ZHENG, B.A. KORGEL, P. BAROIS, G.L. DRISKO, C. AYMONIER, Visible Mie-resonant core-shell silicon particles: light manipulation by design, Adv. Funct. Mater., 31(26), 2100915 (11p)., 2021

  • M. DIEZ-GARCIA, J.J. GAITERO, I. SANTOS, J.S. DOLADO, C. AYMONIER, Supercritical hydrothermal flow synthesis of xonotlite nanofibers, J. Flow Chem., 8(2), 89-95., 2018

  • M. DIEZ-GARCIA, J.J. GAITERO, J.S. DOLADO, C. AYMONIER, Ultra-fast tobermorite supercritical hydrothermal synthesis under thermodynamically metastable conditions, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 1-6., 2017

  • A. DUMAS, M. CLAVERIE, C. SLOSTOWSKI, C. LE ROUX, P. MICOUD, F. MARTIN, C. AYMONIER, Fast geomimicking using chemistry in supercritical water, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55 (34), 9795–10149., 2016 10.1002/anie.201604096

Research Lines


  • In spite of its dull appearance, concrete can be a great element for storing energy. In fact, the LTC Green Concrete has a long trajectory in this appealing application. In fact, we are currently demonstrating that concrete has unique properties so as to be excellent Thermal Energy Storage (TES) devices. The possibility of Electrochemical storage has been also tested, and some promising results have been obtained so far, opening the way to future research works.


  • The supercritical fluid technology is a sustainable and scalable manufacturing route for the synthesis of calcium silicate hydrate minerals, for green concrete, for example xonotlite and tobermorite. The main advantage of this methodology is related to the ultrafast reaction kinetics, which allow the continuous synthesis of these mineral phases in supercritical water in only few seconds.
  • Furthermore, in addition to the boosted synthesis times, the synthetic minerals are characterised by high crystallinity and purity, rather than their natural counterparts that are often found mixed with other phases or impurities. Thanks to that property, synthetic minerals can be used to disclose some aspects of the calcium silicate hydrate structures, which are still not fully elucidated.
  • Afterwards, the high crystalline minerals can be employed in different fields. For example, it can be related to the use of the mineral phases as nanoseeds for accelerating the early-stage hydration of cement to develop a denser and resistant cement matrix. It can be also used to develop advanced method for greener synthesis route as for example the synthesis of wollastonite upon dehydration of calcium silicate phase.

  • Cement industry is responsible for more than the 8% of total anthropogenic CO2 emissions to the atmosphere. It is not surprising that new cement formulations and production procedures are being sought after. In this context, a new family of cement-based materials have recently emerged: The Carbon-cured Concretes (CCC). Differently to normal cement based materials which need water for being cured and gaining strength, the Carbon-cured Concretes employ CO2 for triggering the carbonation of wollastonite (CaSiO3) minerals to form a solid cementitious matrix. Needless to say that the feasibility of CCC technology for trapping CO2 depends very much on the availability of wollastonite (CaSiO3). In this project, nano-wollastonite and related minerals will be produced by Supercritical Fluid (SCF) technology, following a recipe already proved as successful in a previous co-tutelle PhD between the UPV/EHU and the Bordeaux University.

Cross-border Collaboration (if any)

The collaboration with UPV and other partners in the basque country is highly active through the transboarder laboratory green concrete with:

- Materials Physics Center, CFM (UPV/EHU - CSIC)

- Donostia International Physics Center, DIPC

- Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, Polymat

- Materials Physics Center (MPC)

- Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Technology (UPV/EHU)

- Cement-based Products Area of the Building Technologies Division, TECNALIA


Sustainable manufacturing of green concrete using the continuous and scalable supercritical fluid-based technology

Clinkering products and processes, additives and additions, cement hydration and degradation processes and performance of compounds.

Functional advanced green concrete for sustainable development, energy and photonic.

Share methodology and tests to reduce the use of cement clinker in concrete. The aim is to develop new ecological materials that are more environmentally friendly.

Share knowledge and methodology on life cycle assessment (LCA) to consider the environmental performance of new concretes. The objective is to identify ecological solutions to improve the production of new materials and compare the environmental impacts of different products.