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R+D projects funded by public calls

CIPEME: Circularity in Permanent Magnets for the improvement of reliability and sustainability in Electric Motors

from 2024 to 2025
Financing entity:
Basque Government (ELKARTEK program)

The main objective of the CIPEME project is to continue generating knowledge for the development of more reliable and sustainable electric motors based on eco-designed, recycled and/or rare earth-reduced materials. These developments will help alleviate the dependence on critical materials that exists in the European Union. In particular, the CIPEME project will develop a series of critical technologies both for the recovery of recycled materials and for the development of motors that can use these magnets or that can partially or totally dispense with critical materials. The project is perfectly aligned with what has been defined in the field of circularity by the European Union and by the ERMA (European Raw Materials Alliance) and seeks to continue generating knowledge that creates opportunities for the Basque business community.

TECNALIA R&I (consortium leader), CEIT, IKERLAN, MU-MGEP, ORONA EIC, UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA and UPV/EHU (APERT Group) participate in the project.

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