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In-situ Generated Biocompatible Alginate Actuators for Flow Control in Microfluidics

J.Saez, M. Antoñana, J. Etxebarria, F. Benito-Lopez
Poster in congress:
18th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Transducers 2015
Publishing city and/or Editorial:
Anchorage, Alaska, USA
21-25 June
Initial page - Ending page:
2132 - 2135

This abstract describes for the first time the use of alginate hydrogels as miniaturised valves in microfluidic devices. These biocompatible and biodegradable microvalves are in-situ generated, on demand, allowing for microfluidic flow control. The microfluidic devices were fabricated using the origami technique with seven layers of cyclic olefin copolymer (COP) and thermocompression bonding. They can be thermally actuated (ON/OFF) at mild temperatures, 37 °C, and chemically erased from the main channel using an ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt dehydrated (EDTA) solution, ensuring the reusability of the whole device.

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