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Congratulations Dr. Gunatilake

First publication date: 19/09/2022

Last Friday, July 16th, in the Micaella Portilla building on the campus of the University of Álava (University of the Basque Country) Udara Bimendra publicly defended his doctoral thesis entitled: Magneto Driven Smart Materials for Sensing and Actuation; directed by Assoc. Prof. Fernando Benito and Ikerbasque Research Prof. Lourdes Basabe.

The international doctoral committee was made up of Ikerbasque Prof. Rafael Morales from the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Spain), Assist. Prof. Mercedes Vazquez from Dublin City University (Ireland) and Prof. Luis Fermín Capitan from the University of Granada (Spain).

Udara obtained a doctorate with a qualification of Outstanding Cum Laude.

The Microfluidics Cluster is proud and congratulates the young Dr. Gunatilake for the work and his excellent doctoral defence.