The HR Strategy for Researchers supports research institutions and funding organizations in the implementation of The European Charter for Researchers and The Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers in their policies and practices.
The European Commission recognizes with the HR Excellence in Research Award the institutions which make progress in aligning their human resources policies to the 40 principles of the Charter & Code, based on a customized Action Plan and a HR strategy. The following video will help the university community to understand what HRS4R is and how it works:
It is unquestionable the validity of the implementation of the HR Excellence in Research Award of the European Commission. This merit helps to improve the quality of the University of the Basque (UPV/EHU) in many ways:
- By satisfying researcher needs and the necessity of implementing good practices in relation to researchers’ working life.
- By boosting internal cultural change.
- By contributing to achieve the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) strategic objectives..
The Governance Team of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) decided to implement the HRS4R in the UPV/EHU on June 12, 2018. Following the recommendations of the European Commission, and in order to define and implement the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), the University of the Basque Country created an Steering Committee and a Working Group to conduct an internal analysis and determine the degree of compliance with the principles established in the Charter and Code, as well as with relevant Basque Country Community, Spanish and European legislation.
The main milestones developed by the Steering/Overseeing Committee are listed below in chronological order:
- May 2019 - Delivery of the institution’s to implement the HRS4R.
- July 2019 - Approval of the HRS4R survey and its communication
- March 2020 - Approval of the Gap Analysis carried out by the Working Group.
- May 2020 - Request for an extension of delivery times due to delays caused by COVID.
- June 2020 - Approval of the Action Plan carried out by the working group.
- July 2020 - Rending of the electronic request
- (Abre una nueva ventana)OTM-R Checklist (pdf ,166,02 Kb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)OTM-R policy at the UPV/EHU (pdf ,514,08 Kb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)Action Plan (pdf ,271,09 Kb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)Strategic Plan 2022 2025 (pdf ,4,40 Mb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)Strategic Plan 2018 2021 (pdf ,144,33 Kb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)Research Plan 24 27 (pdf ,7,82 Mb)
- (Abre una nueva ventana)3rd Gender Equality Plan 2019 2022 (pdf ,84,30 Kb)