M. Mirari Antxustegi Bengoetxea
(Biorefinery Processes)

Dr M. Mirari Antxustegi, BSc (Hon.) and PhD in Applied Chemistry by the University of Strathclyde (U.K.) and Licenciada en CC Químicas by the UPV/EHU. She is an Associate Professor since 2011.
She started her research career at the Fuel Chemistry Laboratory (University of Strathclyde), studying the influence of solvent treatments on the structure of different types of coal. From there, she transitioned to the study on the effect of those treatments on the porous structure of these coals. Together with other colleages, developed a new technique called Contrast-Matching Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (CM-SANS), to study the changes on the carbonaceous matrix during combustion and gasification processes. To that end, she visited and collaborated with Research Centers such as IPNS (Argonne National Laboratory, EEUU) and ISIS (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, R.U.) para where she made her experiments. She held a postdoctoral research position at the Fluid and Thermal Process Engineering Department, Division of Engineering at Brown University (EEUU). At the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) she has collaborated with several research groups on the fields of catalytic combustion and, mainly, on the design, production and charaterization of carbon materials for energy uses.