General information
QIIME (Quantitative Insights Into Microbial Ecology) is an open-source bioinformatics pipeline for performing microbiome analysis from raw DNA sequencing data. QIIME is designed to take users from raw sequencing data generated on the Illumina or other platforms through publication quality graphics and statistics. This includes demultiplexing and quality filtering, OTU picking, taxonomic assignment, and phylogenetic reconstruction, and diversity analyses and visualizations. QIIME has been applied to studies based on billions of sequences from tens of thousands of samples
How to use
To send QIIME jobs run the command
and answer the questions.
QIIME can use the [intlink id=”7744″ type=”post”]USEARCH[/intlink] pakage.
More information
[intlink id=”7700″ type=”post”]USEARCH[/intlink].