Environmental Economics, Climate Change, Sustainability Issues,
Marine Resource Economics, Waste Management |
http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6904-4939 RESEARCHER ID_marta escapa SCOPUS AUTHOR ID_marta escapa GOOGLE SCHOLAR_marta escapa |
TUTORÍAS - Información disponible en GAUR |
Sola MM, M.
Escapa, I. Galarraga (2023) "Effectiveness of monetary information in promoting the purchase of energy-efficient appliances: Evidence from a field experiment in Spain" Energy Research & Social Science, 95, January, 1-15 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2022.102887 |
Sola MM, A. De
Ayala, I. Galarraga, M. Escapa, (2021) "Promoting Energy Efficiency at household level: A literature review" Energy Efficiency, 14 (1), 1-22 https://doi.org/10.1007/S12053-020-09918-9 |
Carmona I., A. Ansuategi, J.M. Chamorro, M. Escapa, M.C. Gallastegui,
A. Murillas and R. Prellezo (2020) "Measuring the value of ecosystem-based fishery management using financial portfolio theory" Ecological Economics, 169, 1-12 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2019.106431 |
Di Nola MF., M. Escapa, J. Ansah (2018) "Modelling solid waste management solutions: The case of Campania, Italy" Waste management, 78, 717-729 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2018.06.006 |
Lucas J., M. Escapa, I. Galarraga (2016) "ADAPTECC: Un Juego de Rol sobre la Adaptación al Cambio Climático" e-Pública,Revista electrónica sobre la enseñanza de la economía pública, 19, 55-77 |
Fernández-Macho J,, A. Murillas, A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa, M.C. Gallastegui,
P. González, R. Prellezo and J. Virto (2015) "Measuring the maritime economy: Spain in the European Atlantic Arc" Marine Policy, 60, 49-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2015.05.010 |
M. C., M. Escapa, A. Ansuategi (2015) "Green energy, efficiency and climate change: an economic perspective" Green Energy and Efficiency: an Economic Perspective, Ansuategi A., J. Delgado and I. Galarraga (Eds.) Springer International Publishing, London. |
Foley N.S.,
R. Corless, M. Escapa, F. Fahy, J. Fernández-Macho, S. Gabriel, P.
González, S. Hynes, R. Kalydjian, S. Moreira, K. Moylan, A. Murillas, M.
O'Brien, K. Simpson, D. Tinch (2014) "Developing a Comparative Marine Socio-Economic Framework for the European Atlantic Arc" Journal of the Ocean and Coastal Economics, 1-25 https://doi.org/10.15351/2373-8456.1007 |
Ansuategi A.
M. Escapa, I.Galarraga y M. González-Eguino (2014) "Impacto económico de la eco-innovación en Euskadi: Una aproximación cuantitativa" Ekonomiaz, 86, 253-279. |
Markandya A.,
M. González-Eguino, M. Escapa (2013) "From Shadow to Green: Linking Environmental Fiscal Reforms and the Informal Economy" Energy Economics, 40, 108-118 (doi:10.1016/j.eneco.2013.09.014) |
A., González-Eguino M. Escapa M. (2012) "Environmental Fiscal Reform and Unemployment in Spain" Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation, Vol. XI- Carbon Pricing, Growth and the Environment, Edward Elgar Publications. Cheltenham, UK. |
M. C., A. Ansuategi, M. Escapa, S. Abdullah (2011) "Ecomomic Growth, Energy Consumption and Climate Policy" Handbook of Sustainable Energy, Galarraga I., M. González-Eguino and A. Markandya (Eds.) Edward Elgar Publications. Cheltenham, UK. |
E., R. Prellezo, A. Murillas, M. Escapa, y M.C. Gallastegui (2010) "Weak and Strong Sustainability assessment in fisheries" Ecological Economics 70, 96-106. Abstract |
Murillas A., R. Prellezo, E. Garmendia, M. Escapa, M.C. Gallastegui y A. Ansuategi (2008) "Multidimensional and intertemporal sustainability assessment: A case study of the Basque trawl fisheries" Fisheries Research, 91, 222-238. Abstract |
M.C. y M. Escapa (2007) "El medio ambiente y las empresas: ¿Oportunidad o restricción?" Papeles de Economía Española, 112, 211-223. Abstract |
A., M. Escapa y M. Termansen (2006) "Las áreas marinas protegidas como instrumento de política ambiental" Cuadernos Económicos de ICE, 71, 93-113. Abstract |
A. y M. Escapa (2004) "Is international cooperation on climate change good for the environment?" Economics Bulletin, 17, 7, 1-11. Abstract |
Escapa M.
y R. Prellezo (2003) "Fishing Technology and Optimal Distribution of Harvest Rates" Environmental and Resource Economics, 25, 3, 345-362. Abstract |
I. y M. Escapa, (2002) "Crecimiento Endógeno, Polución y Cooperación Internacional" Ekonomiaz, 49, 36-53. |
A. y M. Escapa (2002) "Economic Growth and Greenhouse Gas Emissions" Ecological Economics, 40, 1, 23-37. Abstract |
Escapa M.
y M. J. Gutiérrez (1997) "Distribution of Potential Gains from International Environmental Agreements: The Case of the Greenhouse Effect" Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 33, 1-16. |
Escapa M.
y M. J. Gutiérrez (1995) "How Important is Cooperative Behavior in Controlling Stock Pollutants?: A Simulation Approach for the Greenhouse Effect" Revista Española de Economía, 12, 2, 307-353. |
Escapa M.
(1994) "Problemas Globales de Medioambiente: Asimetría entre los Países y Ganancias de Cooperación" Revista Española de Economía, monográfico, pp. 97-118. |
- Iñaki Arto Olaizola (2009), "Contabilidad y Análisis de Flujo de Materiales para la solución de problemas económico-ambientales". Joint supervision with MC Gallastegui (UPV/EHU). Special PhD Award in Social Science, UPV/EHU, 2008/09. - Federica Di Nola (2012), "The Problem of Solid Waste Management: a System Dynamics Approach". Joint supervision with Giovanna Jona Laisinio (Sapienza University of Rome). Doctoral Thesis under Co-Tutelle between the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Sapienza University of Rome. - Laetitia Pettinotti (2018), "Ecosystem services valuation for improved water resource management under climate change in Africa". Joint supervision with Anil Markandya (Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3). - Mª Mar Solà Osoro (2022), "Consumer decision making towards energy efficiency" Joint supervision with Ibon Galarraga (Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3). Special PhD Award in Social Science, UPV/EHU, 2021/22. |
- Aitziber Zorrozua Urresti (2022); - Cristina Palomo Ojeda (2021); - Ane Sarasola Boto (2020) - Tamara Blas Alba (2019); - Andoni Txapartegi Etxebeste (2019) ; - Ander Aranceta (2018) - Wu Quan (2017); - Dirk-Jan van de Ven (2016); - Pablo Martínez Juárez (2014) - Gaizka Zuzaeta Manzorro (2014); - David Martin Passareira (2013); - Josu Lucas Rueda (2011) - Federica di Nola (2009); - Mª Cruz Zabala (2008) ; - Jon Frías Mendi (2007); - Azucena Pérez Martín (2000) |