Demography and the Labour Market

Women and the Labour Market.   

This line of research focuses on the relationship between women and the labor market, such as Gender Gaps, Family and Work, Occupational Segregation, etc.

 Researchers: Sara de la RicaCatalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Eva Ferreira

Recent Published Papers related to this line of research:

De la Rica, S. and Yolanda Rebollo-Sanz, "Gender Differentials in Unemployment Ins and Outs during the Great Recession in Spain", De Economist, January 2017.
 María Paz Espinosa, Eva Ferreira and Winfried Stute (2016).
Discrimination, Binomials and Glass Ceiling Effects. Nonparametric Statistics, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 175, R. Cao et al. (eds.). DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-41582-6_11

    Ferreira, E. and W. Stute (2016). 
Dynamic binomials with an application to gender bias analysis. Journal of Applied Probability, 53, 82–90. DOI: 10.1017/jpr.2015.10

De la Rica, S. and Ainara G. San Román, "Gender Gaps in PISA Test Scores: The Impact of Social Norms and the Mother´s Transmission of Role Attitudes", Estudios de Economía aplicada, Vol. 34 (1), pp: 79-108, 2016

De la Rica, S., Juan J. Dolado and R. Vegas, "Performance Pay and the Gender Wage Gap: Evidence from Spain", Annals of Economics and Statistics, No. 117/118, pp: 41-59 , 2015

González De San Román, A. y S. De la Rica, "Gender Gaps in Spain: The Role of Children in Career Development", Chapter 4 of Unexplored Dimensions of Discrimination, Edited by Boeri, Patacchini and Peri, Oxford University Press, 2015.