Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

The Everyday Use of Native American Female Creativity in the Play The Star Quilter by William S. Yellow Robe Jr Juan Ignacio Guijarro (U. Sevilla) III Congreso Internacional: The American Literary West/El Oeste Literario AmericanoEspañolEuskera2014-10-08
The Female Representation in the Myth of EuropeIgone Orozko Varel VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
The Figure of the Bear in the American Literary West: from Ancestor to Political SymbolIrati Jiménez V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)”Inglés2022-10-03
The fragile pillars of a strengthening monarchy? Aristocrats of wavering loyalty in the kingdom of Asturias-León c. 1000Álvaro Carvajal Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
The Ghost of Tom Joad Revisited: Springsteen’s Lyrics in Post-Reagan’s America Toni Montserrat (U. Illes Balears) III Congreso Internacional: The American Literary West/El Oeste Literario AmericanoEspañolEuskera2014-10-10
The Global American Literary West José Aranda (Rice U.), Neil Campbell (U. Derby, UK), Alan Weltzien (U. of Montana Western) III Congreso Internacional: The American Literary West/El Oeste Literario AmericanoEspañolEuskera2014-10-08
The Good Italian: dalla moda al grande schermo attraverso i sensi Ada Plazzo ECCELLENZE ITALIANE E BASCHE Italiano2021-09-27
The Good, the Bad, and the Omen: Evil and its Myths in Terry Pratchett’s WorkDra. Amaya Fernández Myth in the ArtsInglés2019-09-23
The Gothic: Two Thousand Years of Blood, Ruin and DespairNick Groom Seminario sobre literatura gótica.Inglés2021-02-19
The grammatical life of property concepts in MalayalamMythili Menon and Roumyana Pancheva Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-13
The Haunted West of Clayre Vaye WatkinsMartinicorena Zaratiegui, Sofía II SEMANA DE LO FANTÁSTICO EN LAS ARTESEspañol2024-11-05
The impacts of migration on social cohesion (Italy, 8th-9th cc.)Anna Maria Pazienza Local societies, relational agencies, and social practices in Early Medieval EuropeInglés2024-10-23
The inconsistent ergative marking in the acquisition of Basque: L1 and early L2 Marijo Ezeizabarrena & Ibon Manterola´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
The influence of sentence context on the processing of cognates by trillingual speakersAgniezska LijewsksaThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-24
The interpretation of superlative modifiers and deontic modals: an experimental investigationYaron McNabb and Doris Penka Sinn und Bedeutung 18 Inglés2013-09-12
The Jukebox of the American WestToni Monserrat, Ángel Chaparro Sainz V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)”Inglés2022-10-03
The L3 connection:Highlighting the value of third language(L3) Sintactic transfer data for general linguistic and psycholinguistic questionsJason RothmanThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-25
The L3 discourse-syntax interfaceRoumyana Slabakova, Mª Pilar García MayoThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-25
The Lay of Aotrou and Itroun, en la cronología de J.R.R. Tolkien: génesis, análisis y repercusión de la estrofa en el ciclo de la Tierra Media Fernando Cid IV Congreso Internacional sobre los Inklings “War and Peace in the Works of the Inklings”Español2018-03-27
The Main Others: from Morgoth to LokiMaddi Susperregui V International Conference on the Inklings and the Western Imagination: From the Past to the FutureInglés2019-04-16
The missing men of the Moroccan women´s rights movementDña. Amy YOUNG EVRARD I Congreso Internacional - Antropología en Marruecos : Discursos, encuentros y redesEspañol2013-11-21
The Modern Tolkien: The Keys to the Enduring Appeal of Middle-EarthMartin Simonson VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloEspañol2023-11-10
The Muse signs to me!: Relocating the Female Poetic VoiceDr. Noelia Díaz Vicedo VI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE: MYTH IN THE ARTSEspañol2022-09-16
The Mythopoetic Value of the Tree of Gernika and its Impact in Tolkien’s The Lord of the RingsDavid Bernabé VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-09

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