Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4539.
Duración total: 3187 Horas, 24 minutos.

The phenomenon of Self-Translation. Typology od Self-TranslationXose Manuel Dasilva SELF-TRANSLATION: LOCAL AND GLOBAL/ AUTOITZULPENA: TOKIAN TOKIKO IKUSPEGITIK ZEIN MUNDU MAILAKOTIKEuskera2015-02-26
The philosophy of dialogue as a method of inter-standing the Other. Research based on the fieldwork among Moroccan ImazighenDña. Agnieszka BEDNAREK y Dña. Malgorzata DUBASIEWICZ, I Congreso Internacional - Antropología en Marruecos : Discursos, encuentros y redesInglés2013-11-22
The Polish Women's Alliance in America on Migrants' Children, 1898-1920Adam WalaszekInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-16
The portrayal of the dark world in Tolkien's The Hobbit: goblins, dragons, trolls and other bad creaturesMaddi Susperregui (UPV/EHU) I Jornadas sobre la presencia del mito en las artesEspañol2016-12-13
The Position of Women in Ghanaian Migration SystemKees Van Der GeestInternational workshop on History and Migration: Beyond the Border, Behind the Men. The Invisibility of Female Migration.Inglés2010-12-17
The potential of English AVENUES (Audio-Visual Enrichment Unlocked in Elementary School)Alexandra Schurz 1 & Shona Whyte 2 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young LearnersInglés2024-10-17
The problem of barns and crop storage in Anglo-Saxon EnglandMark GardinerHorrea, Graneros y Silos. Almacenaje y rentas en las aldeas de la Alta Edad MediaInglés2011-06-07
The pros and cons of confessional memoir in the mormon milieuPhyllis BarberThe American Literary West: II International ConferenceInglés2010-10-08
The Ramblings of Rebecca Solnit Martin Simonson (UPV/EHU) III Congreso Internacional: The American Literary West/El Oeste Literario AmericanoEspañolEuskera2014-10-09
The Relevance of Rivendell’s Growing Cultural Value from The Hobbit to The Lord of the RingsAndoni Cossío VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
The Relevance of Westerns in the Broadcasting of Fiction in ETB2Cande Cabanillas IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New FormsInglés2018-10-09
The representation of the American west in in Basque literature for childrenMari Jose OlaziregiThe American Literary West: II International ConferenceInglés2010-10-08
The reproducibility of infant fNIRS studies: a meta-analytic approach. Jessica Gemignani XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
The Reshaping of Medieval Angels in C.S. Lewis´ and J.R.R. Tolkien´s WorksDr. Guillermo Spirito V International Conference on the Inklings and the Western Imagination: From the Past to the FutureInglés2019-04-15
The restoration of the ergative case-marking of Ain the past in Western New Indo-Aryan: the case of the Braja languageAndrea Drocco INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-06
The Reticulated West: The Case of the Modoc Conict in the Lava Beds Wendy Harding (U.Toulouse II-Le Mirail) & Jack Martin (U. Montpellier III) III Congreso Internacional: The American Literary West/El Oeste Literario AmericanoEspañolEuskera2014-10-08
The role and effects of Bilingual Learning Assistants in supporting multilingual learners in schoolsJoanna Rankin, Victoria Murphy & Hamish Chalmers 21st LASLAB International Conference on Additional Language Learning by Young LearnersInglés2024-10-18
The role of cognitive processes of attention and noticing in the acquisition of L3 phonology. A preliminary TAP investigationMagdalena WrembelThird language (L3) acquisition: a focus on cognitive approachesInglés2012-05-24
The role of formulaic language at different stages of foreignlanguage learningFlorence MylesNew perspectives on multilingualism and its role in L2 acquisitionInglés2014-05-16
The role of individual differences in emotional word processing: insights from a Spanish lexical decision mega-study. Juan Haro XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
The role of L2 proficiency and proactive control in new grammar learning. Marta Rivera XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
The Role of Place in the Fluctuations of Ged’s Identity in Le Guin’s Earthsea CycleJon Alkorta Martiartu VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-07
The Scalpel Model in third language acquisition and what it means in the language classroomPROF. ROUMYANA SLABAKOVA LASLAB WORKSHOP ON LANGUAGE ACQUISITION AND THE SECOND LANGUAGE CLASSROOMInglés2015-11-06
The Sea as a Threshold in J.R.R. Tolkien’s ‘Legendarium’ and Modern MediaDiego Somavilla VII International Conference on MYTH IN THE ARTS - TartaloInglés2023-11-10
The Seekers: Strategies of Storytelling in Contemporary Art Practice through the Western GenreGala Knörr V CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL “EL OESTE NORTEAMERICANO EN LA LITERATURA: OESTE(S) (DES)CONOCIDO(S) Y NOMADA(S)”Inglés2022-10-03

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