Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

Ikerketak euskal etimologiagintzanJoseba Lakarra & Julen Manterola Monumenta Linguae Vasconum II. JardunaldiakEuskera2015-05-15
Lazarragaren gramatikaCéline Mounole Monumenta Linguae Vasconum II. JardunaldiakEuskera2015-05-15
Azkenburuko gutiziakJoseba Lakarra Monumenta Linguae Vasconum II. JardunaldiakEuskera2015-05-15
Egresados: Filología, Estudios Ingleses, Estudios Vascos y Traducción e Interpretación Egresados 2015 LetrasEspañol2015-06-26
Egresados: Historia, Historia del Arte y Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio Egresados 2015 LetrasEspañol2015-06-26
CleopatraRosa Maria Cid López ClasicosEspañol2015-05-11
Samain 2014.Contos de MagostoSoledad Felloza Lectorado gallegoGallego2014-11-20
Luces e sombras de Xosé Filgueira Valverde Paulo Martínez Lema Letras Galegas 2015Gallego2015-05-11
A zanfona. Una viaxe de 1000 anos Anxo Lois García Pintos Letras Galegas 2015Gallego2015-05-11
Acto Aulas ExperienciaToti Martinez de LezeaAulas de la ExperienciaEspañol2015-05-21
Welcoming remarksVidal Valmala, Myriam Uribe-Etxebarria Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
How crazy is that? Coming to terms with morpho-syntactic variation in grammatical categories.Martina Wiltschko Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Object clitics in comparative Bantu syntaxJenneke van der Wal Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Syntactic change and variationNerea Madariaga Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Delimiting language variation: A biolinguistic perspectiveEvelina Leivada Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Determining telicity: Only in the syntaxAniko Csirmaz Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Dialectal variations regarding the EPP: the case of Dominican SpanishCarlos Muñoz Pérez Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Complementizer doubling and clausal topics in Italo-RomanceNicola Munaro Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
What is a presentative?Raffaella Zanuttini Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-24
Macro- and microvariation: an emergentist perspectiveTheresa Biberauer Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Romance predicative constructions with a non-inflected verb: a parametric hierarchyJan Casalicchio Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Morphosyntactic variation and finding the open values in syntaxAlison Henry Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Indefinite Polar Questions (IPQs) in Spanish and KoreanWonsuk Jung / Alejo Alcaraz Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Severing the EV-T argument from the verb: the typology of adjectival passivesAlfredo Garcia Pardo Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25
Towards a better theory of eccentric agreementDmitry Ganenkov Formal Approaches to Morphosyntactic Variation (FAMSV 2015)Inglés2015-06-25

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