Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

Archaeobotanical contribution to the history of farming practices in medieval northern Catalonia (8th-13th c.)Jérôme Ros and Olivier Passarrius,with the collaboration of Carole Puig, Jérôme Kotarba, Julien Mantenant, Nicolas Guinaudeau Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Landscapes and rural practices of some peasant communities of the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula from Antiquity to Modern times through the surface recordJulia Sarabia Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Within a countryside cemetery of the 5th-7th century: selected remarks on organization and economyJoan Pinar Gil Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-25
Standing on the shoulders of peasants: who led innovation in early medieval English farming?Mark McKerracher Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
Peripheral landscapes and mountains areas (5th-9th centuries): The case study of Revenga (Burgos)Karen Álvaro and Esther Travé Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
Unequal peasants in the Early Medieval setting of HispaniaAlfonso Vigil-Escalera Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
The collective action of the peasantry in the Kingdom of León (9th-11th centuries): some perspectives of analysis from the written sourcesÁlvaro Carvajal Castro, Julio Escalona, Iñaki Martín Viso, Igor Santos Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
ConclusionsMargarita Fernández Mier Archaeology of Peasantry. From the Late Prehistory to the European Common Agriculture policyEspañol-Euskera2018-10-26
Egoeraren azterketaMitxel LakuntzaPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Emakumeak lan gatazkanPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
La deuda de justicia con las empleadas del hogarIsabel Otxoa Prekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Mahai ingurua: Bizitza, zaintza eta lan bladintzak. Irakurketa gurutzatuakOnintza Irureta. IdoiaElustondo.Prekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Agurra eta aurkezpenaXabi IrastorzaPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Migraciones, trabajo y derechos humanos.Juan Hernández Zubizarreta Prekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Ejemplos de Negociación colectiva y conflictos contra la precariedad. Maricruz ElkoroPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Prekarietatearen aurkako negoziazio kolektiboko hainbat adibide: GizalanIgor IzagirrePrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Laburpen gisa - Mintegiaren amaieraXabier AnzaPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Prekarietatea: bizitzak alanbrearen gaineanLeire TxakartegiPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Prekarietatearen aurkako negoziazio kolektiboko hainbat adibide: Industria eta eraikuntzaPello IgeregiPrekarietate berriak eta negoziazio kolektiboaEspañol-Euskera2019-06-20
Workshop introduction Askoa Ibisate, Igor Santos Salazar Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
A league of universal monarchies: reframing courts, tribute and local power in precolonial Eurasian history Peter Fibiger Bang Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17
La escala local del poder central: León y Portugal (siglos IX-XI)Iñaki Martín Viso Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesEspañol2019-09-17
Autorità centrale e poteri locali: il caso delle Alpi orienteali tra Carolingi e OttoniGiuseppe Albertoni Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesItaliano2019-09-17
Articolazione delle società locali e rapporti con i poteri centrali in Toscana (VIII-XI): evoluzioni, interazioni, influenzeMaria Elena Cortese Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesItaliano2019-09-17
I Rethinking Central Authority - Morning discussionMaria Elena Cortese, Giuseppe Albertoni, Iñaki Martín Viso Social complexity and the state: The forms of governance in Western Europe between the 8th and 11th centuriesInglés2019-09-17

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