Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

Lección inaugural del Máster universitario en Mundo Clásico: "La discriminación de la mujer. Fundamentos jurídicos y religiosos"Juana Torres Prieto Máster universitario en Mundo ClásicoEspañol2014-10-02
La historia medieval desde la historia de las mujeresMª Isabel del Val Valdivieso La actualidad de la historia de género en la investigación histórica sobre la Edad MediaEspañol2014-10-03
Gold Coinage and the Fall of the Western Roman EmpireDr Rory Naismith Seminario organizado por GIAPEM, Grupo de Investigación “Alta y Plena Edad Media” (IT 751-13)Español2014-04-08
Mesa Redonda. "Plaisir et dangers du genre sur Internet"Juan M. Ibeas et Dominique Echeverry Sui generis: Igualdad y desigualdad genérica en las paraliteraturasFrances2014-05-13
Mesa Redonda. "Plaisir et dangers du genre sur Internet"Alba Vázquez Sui generis: Igualdad y desigualdad genérica en las paraliteraturasFrances2014-05-13
Entre mito y ciencia: el hermafrodita en el imaginario del siglo XVIIIJuan M. Ibeas Sui generis: Igualdad y desigualdad genérica en las paraliteraturasFrances2014-05-13
El invierno se viste de fiesta - Carnavales Rurales De AlavaCarlos Ortiz De Zarate Aulas de la Experiencia 2013-2014Español2014-02-19
Presentación Del Libro “Migraciones En El Tercer Milenio”Ana Ugalde, directora del trabajo, junto a Francisco Luis Hernández, Gorka Moreno, Pedro J: Oiarzabal, Alberto Angulo, Óscar Álvarez y Jesús Prieto. PresentacionesEspañol2014-10-14
Taller sobre interpretación telefónicaJesús Mari Pérez Talleres sobre interpretaciónEspañol2014-10-20
Jugar, mover, ocuparMaría Ibarretxe del Val, Alaitz Arenaza,Haizea BarcenillaJugar, mover, ocuparEspañol2014-10-17
OpeningPilar Garcia Mayo International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
PLENARY 1. What we have learnt from students' and teachers' feedback on diagnostic tests: Implications for classroomsMARIANNE NIKOLOV International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Enhancing children’s metalinguistic awareness: A classroom study with 8 to 9-year-old English-speaking learnersA. Tellier & K. Roehr-Brackin International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
English lexical knowledge development of young English learners in China: Internal and external predictorsH. Sun, R. Steinkrauss & K. de Bot International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Metalinguistic awareness in two multilingual children growing up in a bilingual communityM. Cokely & C. Muñoz International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
First in, First out: Lexical knowledge in children learning English as a foreign languageT. Zhao & V. Murphy International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
L2 English Young learners’ oral production skills in Content and Language Integrated (CLIL) and EFL settingsA. Bret Blasco International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Formats in teacher-led activities to support child-initiated play in a foreign languageS. Mourão International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Four ways to tell a story in English: Influence on the oral communication of a group of pre-schoolers in the Basque CountryM. Amondarain-Garrido & M. Querol-Julián International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
English as a foreign language in French pre-primary schools: A focus on oral interactionsA.-M. Voise International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Natural sciences and arts and crafts in English. A case study with young primary learnersA. Vallbona González International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Observing teachers and child learners during classroom conversational interactionsT. Fleta International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Comparison between two CBLT settings in Spain according to corrective feedback type and learner uptake patternsL. Apodaca International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Fostering literacy skills during the first stages of L2 acquisitionT. Fleta & M. L. García Bermejo International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16
Communicative language use and explicit grammar knowledge in child classroom L2 Spanish learners M.-P. Jouannaud & C. Payre-Ficout (U. Grenoble Alpes) L2 input in French official instructions for elK. Lichtman International Conference on Child Language AcquisitionEspañol2014-10-16

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