Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

Does linguistic identity influence social attention? It depends on the perceived ‘status’ of the language. Anna Lorenzoni XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
Exploring the nature of the gender-congruency effect. Alba Casado XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
The Agent Preference in Comprehension and Production. Balthasar Bickel XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-05-31
At a loss for words. (SEPEX CONFERENCE) Marco Calabria XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
COVID-19 related effects on early language development. Sónia Frota XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
The shared origins of associative and taxonomic priming effects in infants. Olivera Savic XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
Neural mechanisms of early speech perception and language acquisition. JUDIT GERVAIN XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
The development of conversational turn-prediction abilities in bilingual toddlers Marina Kalashnikova XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
12-month-olds’ understanding of negation. Rachel Dudley XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
Does non-native directed speech support non-native listeners’ cortical tracking? Giorgio Piazza XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-01
What the microstructural properties of the Frontal Aslant of unimodal and bimodal bilinguals tell about language control. Francesca Peressotti XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
On the origin of bilingualism effects on cognition: social, cognitive or mixed? A systematic review. Camilla Masullo XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Undoing gender in a gender-marking language: Gender-inclusive forms in plural role nouns in German. Álvaro Cortés Rodríguez XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
How does the bilingual mind process language? ESTI BLANCO-ELORRIETA XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Processing of synonyms and homographs in bilingual and monolingual speakers. Clara Martin XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Exposure length to an artificial language significantly impacts adult monoand bilinguals’ segmentation strategies. Patricia Fuente García XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Using Pupillometry to Examine Costs of Speaker-Switching Within and Across Accents. Drew McLaughlin XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
CLOSING CEREMONY XVI International Symposium of PsycholinguisticsInglés2023-06-02
Infernua eta zerua margotzen izurrite ostean. Nafar erreinuko horma margoen ikerketa eliz herrikoietan 1349 eta 1387 tarteanEneko Tuduri (UPV/EHU) ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2023-09-27
Samarkandatik Kordobara. Arkeologia islamikorako sarrera batJesús Lorenzo Jiménez ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2023-10-23
Begiratuko al diogu Behe Erdi Aroari genero ikuspegitik? Euskal lurretako emakumeakJanire Castrillo Casado ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2023-11-15
Guerrea espa baquea, gustia da enea. Bando Gerrak Behe Erdi Aroko Euskal HerrianEkaitz Etxeberria Gallastegi ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2023-12-13
Lazkanotarrak: Behe Erdi Aroko euskal leinu baten botere-oinarriak 17/01/2024 Mikel Bengoa PérezMikel Bengoa Pérez ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2024-01-17
Elkar akabatu nahi izatera iristea: landa munduko indarkeria Erdi Aroan (X. eta XI. mendeak)Aitor Armendariz Bosque ERDI AROA EUSKARAZ: ABIAN DIREN IKERKETAK HITZALDI DIBULGATIBOAKEuskera2024-03-20

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