Letren Fakultatea


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Si se deja vacío aparecen todos los registros de la BBDD.
Total de registros en la BBDD: 4652.
Duración total: 3261 Horas, 11 minutos.

Multiple interrogatives: Bulgarian vs. Polish, child and adult Angelina Markova, Anna Gavarró, Wojciech Lewandowski 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Floating quantifiers and the influence of topic and focus Frank Drijkoningen 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Estar = Ser + P Ángel Gallego, Juan Uriagereka 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Negative developments in Afrikaans and Brazilian Portuguese Theresa Biberauer, Sonia Cyrino 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Ellipsis by PhaseÁngel Gallego 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Clefts in Durban ZuluLisa Cheng 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-02
Roots and Categories Hagit Borer 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
Reflexes of Successive-cyclic Movement: A Uniform Reanalysis Antje Lahne 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
Adjectival and non-adjectival resultative constructions: the role of morphology in their crosslinguistic Variation Víctor Acedo-Matellán 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
Turning the world Upside down: Deponents at the baseDalina Kallulli 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
Operators in the TP-domain and Aspectual Interpretation Jonathan E. MacDonald, Barbara Ürögdi 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
XP-movement of participles and the rise of periphrastic tenses in Romance Sonia Cyrino 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
Nominal Compounds in German Leah S. Bauke 19th Colloquium on Generative GrammarInglés2009-04-03
texto,tradución,teatro- voz,violín, baileEnda Ó CatháinUn mundo:muchas miradasInglés Euskera2008-05-21
Interpretación en la UEManuel ValdiviaCharlaEspañol2008-04-22
Optional ergative case markin in TibetanRalf Vollmann INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-05
Antipassive and Ergativity in TagalogEdith Aldridge´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
Antipassives and Reflexives Lucie Medová´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
Asymmetries in the comprehension of wh-movement in L1 Basque Juncal Gutierrez´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
The inconsistent ergative marking in the acquisition of Basque: L1 and early L2 Marijo Ezeizabarrena & Ibon Manterola´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
The case hierarchy in acquisition: Evidence from children learning BasqueJennifer Austin´s talk INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
Similarities and differences observed in casemarking in the acquisition of Basque as L1, 2L1 or child-L2Andoni Barreña, Margareta Almgren INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
Types of ErgativityJulie Legate INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-04
Agreement and Case marking as clause boundary inducers in BasqueLeticia Pablos INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-05
Electrophysiological correlates of ergativity: evidence from Basque Adam Zawiszewski INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON ERGATIVE LANGUAGESInglés2009-11-05

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