| Aspectos forenses y bioseguridad | Amparo Fernández Rodríguez | La Peste | Español | 2018-10-10 |
| Challenges of the management of ancient DNA | Anne Stone | La Peste | Inglés | 2018-10-10 |
| Genomics of Versinia Pestis from ancient DNA | Alexander Herbig | La Peste | Inglés | 2018-10-10 |
| Presentación de la Jornada | | La Peste | Español | 2018-10-10 |
| Nature, Environment & Direct Action in the American West: Edward Abbey’s The Monkey Wrench Gang | Gorka Braceras UPV/EHU | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Post-Western TV | Jesús Ángel González | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Beyond the Skin Frontier: Travelling Through Spaces, Bodies and Genres in Westworld | Amaya Fernández | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Didn’t I Tell You I Didn’t Want You Reading!: Intertemporal Border-crossing and Historical Reconnections with Slave Memories in Octavia E. Butler’s Kindred | Paula Barba Guerrero | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Voices from the West and Beyond | Eider Gómez | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| The Comanches Conquer Spain!: (Re)Visiting a Recent Spanish Exhibition on Native Americans | Juan Ignacio Guijarro | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Americana: in Music, in Myth, in the Twenty-First Century | SID GRIFFIN | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Frankenstein in the American West: Colonialism and Police Brutality in Victor La Valle’s Destroyer | Andrew Uzendoski | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| El Zorro: The Men behind the Mask | Georgia Simakou | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| The Relevance of Westerns in the Broadcasting of Fiction in ETB2 | Cande Cabanillas | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Re-imagining the American West in Contemporary Basque Rock | Edurne Arostegi | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Transatlantic Crossing: Western Myths in British Americana | Antoni Monserrat | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Basque-American Expressions through Art and Music | Monika Madinabeitia | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Música para un ‘Western crepuscular’: Reflexiones sobre la Banda Sonora Original de Blackthorn (Mateo Gil, 2011) | Mateo Gil | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Adapting the Western for Contemporary European Contexts | Marek Paryz | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Tough Guys and Drinking: The Portrayal of Alcohol(ism) in Polish Westerns | Maja Daniel | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Diasporic Native Americans in Sherman Alexie: Negotiating Roots and Routes in Urban Contexts | Aitor Ibarrola-Armendariz | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| New High Fantasy through the Scope of King’s The Gunslinger | Raul Montero | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| Corridos y Narcocorridos del Cantábrico | Maite Aperribay | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-09 |
| OFFICIAL OPENING | Davd Rio, Amaya Ibarraran, Angel Chaparro | Serie: IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | | 2018-10-08 |
| Local Apertures, Regional Frames, Planetary Visions | AUDREY GOODMAN | IV INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE AMERICAN LITERARY AND CULTURAL WEST The West Travels Beyond Itself: New Spaces, New Voices, New Forms | Inglés | 2018-10-08 |